Fin rot

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 6, 2011
I think my pleco has fin rot the fins look real chopped up and is getting worst if there is a cure what is it and will it spread to the other fish if it is fin rot
Can you get a pic? Fin rot is the cause of bad water quality, so do what are your water parameters?
Water clouded this is the best I could get no ammonia nitrate 20 nitrite 0 hardness soft alkalinity 300 and that's how high it goes so it could be higher ph 6.8


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My fish seem to have pieces of fin missing. I don't know whether it is nipping or fin rot. I recently added 3 gold pristella to 2 Serpae. The biggest Serpae bullies the other but not the pristella. 1 pristella has a split fin, everything else looks like chunks bitten off. Help me please. I don't want my pretty pristella suffering.
Serpaeman said:
My fish seem to have pieces of fin missing. I don't know whether it is nipping or fin rot. I recently added 3 gold pristella to 2 Serpae. The biggest Serpae bullies the other but not the pristella. 1 pristella has a split fin, everything else looks like chunks bitten off. Help me please. I don't want my pretty pristella suffering.

I would start your own thread. You will probably get more replies. Also, the OP posted because they need help, and it's not fair to take the focus away from their problem. Just something to remember for future reference. Thanks.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
Sorry I'm new to this. I thought the forum way was not opening too many threads if the topic is similar. Point noted.
Serpaeman said:
Sorry I'm new to this. I thought the forum way was not opening too many threads if the topic is similar. Point noted.

I'm sorry if I sounded harsh. That wasn't my intent. I find that when people start their own thread, they get more replies. Occasionally a thread along the same lines will be merged, but that's more with poles or stories about different experiences, I think.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
What fish are in the tank? I'm sorry if you already mentioned this, but if you did I ant find it. If it doesn't look *rotten* around the missing parts then I would guess nipping is the culprit. Do you have an extra tank to put it in to let it heal?

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
4 angelfish 1 firemouth no tank I could get a breeders net also all the fish are young and small
I'm not sure what a fire mouth is. But angels can be very vicious; they're couples, as I'm sure you know. Breeder nets tend to stress a fish more. I would just watch and see what happens for now. If it gets worse, be sure to tell us, and if it gets better, that's great.

Courtesy of Dakota's iPod.
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