Firefish/Odds and Ends

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 6, 2003
Iowa City, IA
I have had my purple firefish for about 4 months. Recently, I restructured the rockwork of my tank upon the addition of two baby ocellaris clowns and the removal of a nasty three-stripe damsel. Over the past few weeks, it seems as though the firefish spends a great deal more time hiding than I had ever noticed (before moving the rock).

I am wondering if this is simply a case of a preferred behavior being exhibited because there are more attractive caves and hiding places present now, or if this change in behavior is something to be concerned about. There doesn't appear to be any change in mentality when it is swimming in the open (i.e. eats normally, doesn't gasp, looks happy, etc)...just less overall time in the open. My fourth fish is a six-line wrasse and all exist extremely peacefully.

Thanks for any info/reassurance you could give me.


Bonus assorted beginner questions:

1. If an astrea snail falls off of the glass and lands upside down, does it have the capacity to turn itself over. It seems like whenever this happens, I'll wait days for it to move on its own and it won't. Then I'll actually flip it myself and in short time it will be mobile again.

2. I have been very careful not to go overboard with tank population, so I've been trying to err on the side of caution with my number and size of my fish. However, success quickly breeds greed, and I'm starting to itch for one final addition. I would like some kind of blenny (midas, bicolor, ?) -- I'm looking for something small with large personality. Would this be too much? Do you have any suggestions? I would be more than happy to hear a resounding "NO" if it sounds like I already have a full house.

Sorry for the long post and thanks for your advice.
dan39decoy said:
I am wondering if this is simply a case of a preferred behavior being exhibited because there are more attractive caves and hiding places present now, or if this change in behavior is something to be concerned about. There doesn't appear to be any change in mentality when it is swimming in the open (i.e. eats normally, doesn't gasp, looks happy, etc)...just less overall time in the open. My fourth fish is a six-line wrasse and all exist extremely peacefully.
Most likely a combination of moving the rock and the new arrivals. Firefish are quite timid at the best of time and will probabely take some time to re-adjust but may evetually come around to it's old behavour.

1. If an astrea snail falls off of the glass and lands upside down, does it have the capacity to turn itself over. It seems like whenever this happens, I'll wait days for it to move on its own and it won't. Then I'll actually flip it myself and in short time it will be mobile again.
IME, these guys are the worst at righting themselves and for that reason alone I do not recommend them. They will often starve if you do not notice them or cannot reach them and fall prey to hermits.

2. I have been very careful not to go overboard with tank population, so I've been trying to err on the side of caution with my number and size of my fish. However, success quickly breeds greed, and I'm starting to itch for one final addition. I would like some kind of blenny (midas, bicolor, ?) -- I'm looking for something small with large personality. Would this be too much? Do you have any suggestions? I would be more than happy to hear a resounding "NO" if it sounds like I already have a full house.
How bigs the tank? You need to be careful with blennies and dartfish. Blennies can be quite the bullies with more timid fish, might want to consider a more benthic sopecies but that would depend on your set up.

Thanks for the info, Steve.

It is very interesting to hear about dartfish vs. blennies. Even when I had an aggressive three-stripe damsel, the purple firefish was the ruler of the roost. The damsel wouldn't even think of harassing it, despite the firefish eventually stealing the damsel's preferred sleeping quarters. But if blennies aren't a good idea, are there any other "small bodied, great personality" fish you would recommend?

I have a 29 gallon tank with about 20-25 lbs of live rock and crushed coral substrate. My population consists of 2 baby ocellaris clowns, 1 six-line wrasse, and 1 purple firefish with 4 small hermit crabs, 4 astrea snails.

My LFS has assured me that another addition could be made, quoting the inches/gallon ratio based on their current (sans tail) length. However, I've read many places that it should be potential maximum growth that matters, and I'm also wary to take LFS opinions as gospel.

In any event, if I add another fish (big if), I would like to make sure that it fits into my current tank's stratification. The clowns love the top, and the wrasse and firefish currently stick to the middle. I thought that something liking the rocks and caves toward the bottom would be the most logical.

You are reaching the tank limit but if you stick to a smaller growing benthic fish (bottom dweller) you should actually be okay. You will have fish occupying different areas of the tank and should not have issues providing filtration is up to snuff and feedings are kept in line.

There are several types of small growing <3" sand gobies that should be okay. Just be careful to ensure it is eating prepared foods before you buy it. Many will only feed from sifting the sandbed and would not fair well in a 29 gal for long as there is not enough surface area. If it has been at the LFS for ant real period of time there is a good chance it will eat prepared foods.

My firefish arrent docile either. I have 2 yellow tails and a Chromis with them, and they will puff up that back spine and hold their own. The damsels just chase each other around, the firefish wont run. They even dug a hole under the rock of the dominant damsel to sleep in. They always sleep side by side, my daughter thinks they are in love :eek:
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