First 150 gallon build!!!

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Ive changed places where I get my fish anyways. I go to a breeder now. But still aggravating I didn't get what I wanted.
Here are some better pictures of the new fish.


I can't get the colors to translate as well as I would like on this fish but it's enough to get the concept. Very pretty. Lol


Firefish. Just starting to really color up. I'm excited about it after seeing his father.


This is just the newest female fuelleborni female. There will be many more to come, she is the Biggest female and has seemed
To tank a liking to Whale my male.


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In the first pic....are both fish fuelborni? Which is the male and which is the female?
I'm not sure which picture you are talking about but here are all of mine.


This is my only male.


This is my newest female.


Female 2


Female 3(old picture)
Hmmm...the reason I was asking is that after seeing your pics, I'm now trying to figure out what mine


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My best guess is that it's a male, but that doesn't mean it's the truth. Lol if it's a female I want it. Most of the females aren't that colorful.
Nice score on the tank. Interested to see how it turns out. I don't know how long your arms are, but setting up and maintaining a tank with those dimensions sounds like a nightmare. That's pretty deep front to back, and way deep top to bottom.
Well that's what I thought it was, a male fuellborni. I always thought that the females were spotted, kinda salt and pepper like. Yours though, with the spots seem awfully colorful. That's why I'm confused.
Yeah it's defiantly gonna be interesting to clean. I'm about 6' tall so it won't be to bad with a stool. Still gonna be an experience the first time.
The males anal fin will be pointier and the females are rounded.

I came over to do my nightly fish watching and feeding and noticed that one of my females( who I saw this morning) was no where to be found. Well I finally found her In a little cave I have.


Holding!!!! To bad im about to move tanks, I hope it won't stress her to much. :/
I'll try and get a better pic but she isn't coming out except to Chase people away.
Bully405Customz said:
The males anal fin will be pointier and the females are rounded.

I came over to do my nightly fish watching and feeding and noticed that one of my females( who I saw this morning) was no where to be found. Well I finally found her In a little cave I have.

Holding!!!! To bad im about to move tanks, I hope it won't stress her to much. :/
I'll try and get a better pic but she isn't coming out except to Chase people away.

Disaster stuck today!!! I came home for lunch and my 55 gallon had sprung a leak!!! There was water everywhere and it just had to be the day after my female started holding. They are all in a 30 gallon now and will have the 150 set up tonight. Earlier than expected but necessity. Ruined my day.
So if I just move all my filters over to the new tank will it make that new tank cycle? Or will it be just like their old tank? And everyone will be okay?
Assuming you have the same bioload in the 150 that you currently have, you won't see a cycle at all if you move everything to the new tank at the same time. I did it with my 75 gallon. No worries, mate.
Same bioload but I wouldn't be moving any of the substrate or rocks. I guess I could for a little while at least.

The 55g doesn't really have enough of a footprint for the substrate to really have much bacteria on it. I wouldn't worry about it. Move the filters to the 150, and you will be fine, especially tripling your water volume.
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