First 150 gallon build!!!

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I don't know why they would add the Blue part in there " Blue Dolphin" is suppose to be the morri, that fish is just variant of the demo and is just call "Dolphin" or "Manda Dolphin"

People need to be more careful when label fish or skip common names and just use the Latin names.


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it does look cool! love the colours.

u cant really tell which ones are bad when in a bubbler. let them hatch and remove unhatched eggs after about a day to make sure. can u get a brine shrimp hatchery or something? that may come in handy with fry feeding.
I agree. Especially when there the Moori are so well known to be blue dolphins. But it's just as much my fault for going through with the purchase. However the have been delightful little guys and I'm gonna keep'em and just get some REAL blue dolphins.
I've never considered owning a brine shrimp hatchery. I wouldn't really know how to go about that. I always just crushed my omegaone pellets.
iv never done one. i gave either tetramin fry food stage three or tetra colour discs, but if they are hatched in the tumbler it would be probably safer to give them more proteined and easier to eat food - am i right? chime in anyone!!
ok! i have no objections to that, other than... will they be able to get fast access to the food? as long as they have a bare bottomed grow out for new hatched fry they will be fine and will grow better... but if u have substrate i reccoment leaving them in the tumbler for a week or so for them to get their strength up and recognise food before its lost to the substrate xxx
They would be moved to a 10 gallon just for them. I don't usually don't have more than one batch at a time and my fuelleborni are the only ones who breed.
No, I traded his female in, plus I only could get ahold of one female and ever since he lost an eye he's pretty timid. I always want to add more male peacocks and didn't want any fighting over ladies. Maybe at some point if I can find a good source for assorted females I'll get enough for everyone to share. I haven't had ANY aggression problems yet(expect the eye) and that was over tank dominance. So I don't think it counts as it didn't continue. I'm trying to keep it that way. Lol so maybe some day I'll get some surprise fry out of him and something else is my tank if that's even possible or get females. Who knows.
I know but he had one for the whole time he was in the tank so I thought Maybe he WAS trying to breed all the time and that's why he was staying their so I traded her for cobue afra who I really like. His colors change so much. But I think he feels insecure with only one eye so he keeps that eye closest to the side of the tank and he can still see who's coming at him. Just a theory though. Maybe another male would stir him up a little bit or more than one female. Lol which do you think I should do?
Good point. I can always trade though. The new lfs I found is pretty tight. I'll see what I can do about some females or something. I'm headed to that lfs now for media to put in the fx5. I'm ready to get that puppy up and running. You think it will suck up my babies?
Well it's the guy I bought the tank from and he is setting up to open a store but it's not even technically open to the public yet but hr breeds most of his fish which I like. so a mildly limited selection but worth it for discounts, trades, and so on.
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