First off, does anyone know what kind of coral this is?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 25, 2014
First off, does anyone know what kind of coral this is?

We've had it for 3 months & it was doing amazing, even doubled in size. However the past week it hasn't been as "bubbly" looking & even started tearing from the mouth. (Where all the white in the picture is, is the tear) I have no idea what happened to it.

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first off its a squirt

it looks to be disintegrating , check your water parameters
they tend to disintegrate when alkalinity is out of whack
if you have other inhabitants in the tank remove asap as squirts will when stressed excrete a toxin killing anything in the surrounding area
once the squirts get a white flaky flesh they most likely wont survive
water changes in your tank will help remove any toxins along with running carbon
Squirts are considered expert only
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