First Time Nano Reef Builder

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 4, 2013
. Hello everyone! I have two 10g tanks that I need to get going in the next few weeks. I am doing a senior research project which will document the effects of pollutant oil on coral reefs. One tank will be a healthy control tank and the other, although I'm sad to say, will be polluted with oil at a later date.
I have aragonite sand, the heaters w/therm, power heads, hydrometer, distilled water,and sea salt. I havent bought my live or dead rock yet and i still need lighting. I read different ways to start the tanks. What are the best assemblying methods? What goes in first?
Also, I have about 6 species of coral that I am thinking about starting with. They include things like turbinaria, plate coral, and some others that have similiar aggression levels, require similiar lighting levels, and that prefer around the same air flow currents. I am thinking of just doing three or four of the same species in each tank.
I am really excited to start but also a little nervous because I want to do everything right. I would appreciate any advice you could give me.

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