Fish are beggers

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 4, 2013
Northern New Jersey
I never noticed this before. But my Pleco whenever I come into the room he lays on the bottom right at the front of the tank waiting for a treat. I hope im feeding him enough. He cleans my tank well but unsure if theres enough algea for him to eat
I think plecos are the equivelant of elephants lol...they eat and eat and eat... Try him with some cucumber or cooked broccoli stem, mine loves this, but he still has 2-3 tablets a day (the other fish help eat those) he was adopted (lol) at 5cm and now he's nearly 30 cm, he's a beast :)
My other fish beg but he doesn't come out of his cave until the food is out.
My cichlids do the same. If you are not already, feed him algae wafers. If the tank is spotless, then he is most likely hungry. But if you do already feed him wafers, then he knows you=food so he will just wait untill you feed him.
What are you feeding him? Or are you just relying on him cleaning the tank for his food?

I feed my pleco algae wafers and zucchini a few times a week. Also, feeding him at night rather than during the day is important since they are nocturnal for the most part. - Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though
If you are saying four wafers a day, and the wafers are a decent size that is plenty.
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