Fish & Cataracts

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 12, 2003
Gainesville, FL (USA)
Can fish get cataracts? Last night, I noticed that our rather large (age known, but at least several years) tinfoil barb has "milky" looking eyes. One of our other fish, who is approximately the same age, also has this. No other 10 fish have this, but they are all younger. Any ideas what could be going on?

Also just to add, is it normal for comets to have kinda black spots around their pupils?

Mine have all their life.
Is there anything in the tank that may be stressing the two older fish out, what are your parameters of the aquarium, exposing the fish to nitrite or nitrate can cause cloudy eye.
As for cataracts, i don't know. I suppose anything that has eyes could, but i am sure someone will tell you soon.

Capt. Gorilla.
The black bits in the eye could just be pigments, i have not seen it before. But i bet someone will answer you.
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