Fish Food Suggestions?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 9, 2012
Hey everyone,

I really want to start focusing on feeding my fish a healthier and more varied diet to support brighter coloration and optimum health. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have one blood parrot, two dwarf gouramis, two paradise fish and a Chinese algae eater. Right now they are being fed a basic tropical fish flake and hikari cichlid pellets daily with peas once a week. The algae eater gets fed sinking algae pellets (though my bp loves to steal them). Would switching to a frozen food diet be more nutritious? Are there other vegetables that would offer benefits? I'd love to hear your suggestions for staple foods as well as occasional treats.
I use New Life Spectrum for both my freshwater and saltwater tanks and my fish look really nice. They have both sinking pellets and flakes, I would definitely check them's all I use
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