Fish for a sand bed

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 10, 2011
Hello everyone!

I was wondering what kind/type fish can i put in a 10g tank with a sand bed?

THanks in advance
Hi tankman, what about platys?

Any other suggestions?
bigbox said:
Hi tankman, what about platys?

Any other suggestions?

Platies aren't really going to do much in a sand bed but cories definitely will. Another option would be maylasian trumpet snails, I know they're not fish but they do bury in the sand.
Hello everyone!

I was wondering what kind/type fish can i put in a 10g tank with a sand bed?

THanks in advance

Are you actually asking if there are fish that don't do well with sand? I have sand in my 3 tanks and have a multitude of species that all do fine.

10 gallons is pretty small..... any ideas of which species you like?
It doesn't matter that it is sand. That is the better substrate anyways. Any fish that will fit in a 10 gallon will be fine on sand.

I like the idea of the trumpet snails, i researched them and they seem great. Only my LFS doesn't stock them :(


Am actually curious as to what fish or invertebrates would do something in the sand, i.e bury themselves, spawn, etc. so i don't have to stir the sand bed every now and then. Am actually thinking along the line of snails, shrimps.

How about an algae eater? So far my only option seems Cory.


THanks mate!
ask your LFS about getting some MTS free. most if not all stores see them as a nuisance and will gladly give you some if they can find some. some stores will have a person go around in the morning picking them out, so maybe try in the morning or talk to them the day before about saving you what they pick out instead of throwing them away. or if you see a tank full of them crawling up the sides ask if you can have some
you can get those fish that have fins. i believe they like sand or you can get the ones that have gills.
Haha. Every fish loves sand/dirt more than gravel I would presume. So it doesn't matter. Sand is a must IMO for bottom dwellers and feeders. :D
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