Fish Lifespans!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 11, 2011
Hi, I have been trying to find out the average lifespans of some of my tetras but everywhere I look always says the maximum lifespan or a wide range from 3-6 which does not help. Could anyone offer a more realistic average lifespan for the following fish:

Rosy Tetra
Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Black Phantom Tetra

I would say that most tetras will live to be 4 years old. It really depends on their living conditions and diet.
Thanks, I was asking as recently I have had a couple of rosy tetras die on me which are about 2 years old. They had all been healthy and seem to be bigger than they are meant to grow tanks ( mine were just over 2 inches where most sites said they only grow to 1.7 max ).

I couldn't find a reason for them dying and the rosy tetras and all other fish in the tank are doing fine!
2-4 years depending on diet, temp, parameters, stress level, and diseases.
Thanks, are Cardinals that short lived? Mine are about 2-3 years old already
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