Fishenthusiast's 30 Gallon Planted Tank

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Hey guys, my tank has had an algae bloom and the water is cloudy and sort of green. I think the cause is from pulling out some Crypts...some root tabs must of been exposed to the water and caused excessive nutrients. Will daily water changes get rid of this issue?
No problem, I have posted it on here a handful of times now and it seems to be accurate and helpful.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
No problem, I have posted it on here a handful of times now and it seems to be accurate and helpful.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

It looks like I'll have to perform my first blackout. From what I've read, it looks like my hypothesis about the cause was correct.
Will this blackout that I'm initiating kill my plants? If not, will it take a long time for my plants to recover?
I don't think so. Plants ship for days without light don't they?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I don't think so. Plants ship for days without light don't they?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

I didn't even think of that haha. Yeah, I'll give the blackout 3 days and a do a water change afterwards. Fingers crossed
Until earlier I didn't think of it either!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

The Ammania bonsai and AR mini I got from Old Scales a few years back spent about 10 days in a box (got lost in shipping for a while in the dead of winter). They did fine. There was a third plant in the shipment. It did not fare so well.

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The Ammania bonsai and AR mini I got from Old Scales a few years back spent about 10 days in a box (got lost in shipping for a while in the dead of winter). They did fine. There was a third plant in the shipment. It did not fare so well.

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That's good to hear. I tried Accu-Clear (chemicals...I know) before this, and it didn't help whatsoever. If it wasn't for a root tab being exposed to the water after I pulled up some Crypts, I wouldn't be in this mess right now. Lets just say that I won't be using root tabs for a while.
What kind do you use? I have seen exposed Osmocote Plus granules and don't have a problem. (Yes i push then back into the substrate)

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
What kind do you use? I have seen exposed Osmocote Plus granules and don't have a problem. (Yes i push then back into the substrate)

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

They are the root tabs from Peabody's Paradise.
After a 3 day blackout, the water is still green ?. What should I do? Will it just go away by itself if I do more water changes and not dose any ferts, and lower the photoperiod to 6 hours?
Did you make sure no light got in?

Maybe UV sterilization or daphnia is next step?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I have UV i can sell ya for cheap, PM me.

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Sorry for the recent lack of updates guys. I've been freakishly busy of late, and the tank isn't looking too hot. I'm close to getting a UV sterilizer to get rid of the leprechaun water. Hehe! My Staurogyne repens has nearly melted down to nothing, so I'm going to pull it when I get everything fixed. I'm thinking of replacing it with DHG (I was wanting this plant anyway). Wish me luck guys! I'll give more updates in weeks to come.

I installed a UV sterilizer that should get rid of the green water. It has cleared up a lot and basically all of my foreground plants have withered away. Some of the other plants should rebound nicely. I have been/am embarrassed to show any photos of the tank ?.

I plan on taking out the foreground plants and the Crinum calamistratum. I'm going to try a dwarf hairgrass foreground so I won't have to constantly replant stems and what not. I'm going to add a new piece of driftwood in place of where the Crinum is, and some moss or other type of plant will be attached to it (maybe Fissidens fontanus and/or Anubias?). Other midground and background plants that are going to be added are TBA.

Current plants (not including plants that will be taken out)

Foreground: none
Midground: Crypt Wendtii 'green', Blyxa japonica
Background: Pogo erectus, Alternanthera reineckii, Java Fern

Planted being considered: Rotala wallichii, Rotala rotundifolia, Echindorus "Vesuvius", Cardamine lyrata, Water wisteria, Rotala macrandra, and the plants that I talked about.
Nice to hear the green water is clearing up. Can't wait to see pictures soon!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Nice to hear the green water is clearing up. Can't wait to see pictures soon!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Thanks fish wrangler! I think that I've made a final decision on a nice plant stock.

Background: Echinodorus "Vesuvius", Pogo erectus, Alteranthra reineckii, DW w/ Java Fern (which is getting massive by the way), and Rotala rotundifolia.

Midground: Crypt Wendtii 'green', DW w/ moss and Anubias, Blyxa japonica, DW w/ Java Fern (same as one in the background), and Lobelia cardinalis "Dwarf".

Foreground: Dwarf Hairgrass carpet!
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