Flow Rate

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 15, 2004
Kingman, Az
I've currently got a 75 gallon tank with mabey 7 med sized rocks and a sand bed. I've got two maxi-1200's and one maxi-600 as well as 2 emperor 400's. So, as you can see, I have lil' bit of flow! ;) I just got 9 zebra Danios (one of my fav fish) and they seem to enjoy the currents, they dart about the tank, eat like sharks, and in general look healthy. There are spots in the tank with less flow, because of the way I positioned the Power heads.

Does it sound like I have too much flow in the tank for them?

- Chris
I'd say if the fish seem to like it then that's a good measure, and as long as there are calm parts of the tank they could always rest there.
According to the book I have they live in shallow running water, so the currents should do them fine. It also says they should have lots of vegetation, 1/2-2/3 of the tank it says, but with lots of free swimming room. And a gravelly bottom, especially for a spawning tank.
Too much flow?? Thats like a girl too pretty and a car too fast. I wouldn't worry bout it.
breadlowry said:
Too much flow?? Thats like a girl too pretty and a car too fast. I wouldn't worry bout it.

Some fish like bettas and badis badis really hate strong current.
Most other fish will do OK so long as there is some calm area for them to take a breather.
Like most things, it really depends on the fish you have.
hillstream and some other types of loaches would really appreciate the flow. you should do some research and see if there are any particular loaches you would be interested in. They would love ya for it.

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