For those who have had a breeding pair of oscars....

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 11, 2005
Hello, all. I'm new to the forum and I have been wondering about my oscars. I have one red oscar and one albino in a 125 gallon tank, and the red one has laid two batches of eggs and I'm expecting the third just about any day (the first two batches were only 12 days apart). Nothing happened with either batch (I'm not even 100% sure that the albino is even a male; could very well be a female also... I don't know :? ).

I was wondering, for those of you that have had oscar wigglers/fry, how many tries did it take your pair to get it right? And how long does it take for the eggs to turn from white to tan after they've been fertilized? None of their eggs have been fertilized.

The first batch she laid, the albino was eating the eggs as fast as she was laying them. They didn't even last through the night. The second batch lasted one day longer, and the albino pitched in a bit more with gaurding and fanning them. Just wondering if this is usually one of those things where each time they might get closer to getting it right. :)
Thanks. :D

BTW, I missed that there was a breeding forum at first. :oops: Please move this thread?
Thanks for the welcome.

Like I said, I'm not even sure I have a male/female pair.

She started laying not even a week after I upgraded their 65 gallon to a 125. I bought a rock for my tank which I thought was very ugly once I put it in there, but before I could take it out, that was the spot she picked, so I guess it stays. LOL Oh well.
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