Found an eel, what do I do?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 23, 2004
Orlando FL
Ok, here is my dilemma. I bought some live rock, and with the rock came a tiny eel about 3-4" long. It stays hidden most of the time in the rock. Should I keep him? What do I feed him? Does he require anything special? I currently have a 55 gallon tank with a blue tank, naso tang, two chromises, a flame angel, a banded shrimp, and lots of crabs and snails. I'm using bio balls, with live rock/live sand for filtration. Thanks for the help.
Cool hitchiker but I would suggest finding the eel a new home. You already have some issues with the fish you have and the eel will eventually make a meal of your mobile inverts, especially the shrimp.

If you upgraded the tank size which is what I would suggest considering the two tangs you have now it would be more than possible to keep (aside from the shrimp). One tang should not really be housed in a smaller tank. Two is asking for problems. :wink:

Good luck on whatever you decide.
All the fish in the tank are tiny, the blue tank is 1.5" long, the naso tang is 2" long, the flame is 2" long. I have the nursery school of tanks. The shrimp is bigger than everybody. Plus its going to be hard to take the eel out since he's ALWAYS hiding in the rock. I'll have to wait till he gets bigger and can't fit the rocks. Also, is he an invertabrate? I assume from your comments that he's a carnivore. Would it be ok to eventually put him in my QT temporary? Does he get adversly affected to copper or other meds.... lots of questions. Thanks for all the help.
Although the fish you described are rather small they will grow fast and do become very teretioral as they grow, especially in a tank that small. IMO removing the rock the eel is in would be the easiest way to get him out. Letting him grow will only give him a better chance to eay stuff in your tank as well as add to the bio-load. I do believe eels should not be medicated with copper.
I currently have a 55 gallon tank with a blue tank, naso tang, two chromises, a flame angel, a banded shrimp, and lots of crabs and snails.
Wow and I thought my 55g was overstocked.. and i only have 2 A. Percula, Royal Gramma, yellow tail damsel, scooter blenny, Watchman Goby, Six Line wrasse and A baby 2" Regal Tang.. I am done with fish until I get my new tank.. I was done a while ago but needed a Six line due to some issues..
Although the fish you described are rather small they will grow fast and do become very teretioral as they grow
Very True My regal is growing extremely fast... And was trying to take on the Six line when he got added today... Get the Eel out before things become food.. Its a cool hitchhiker however it will destroy the inverts you have in no time.. And Yes they are sensitive to high nitrates, Copper and Meds.. Please just take him to the LFS and get some credit or somehting for him..

Thanks for everyone's help. The eel keeps moving to different rocks, but the LFS said that he will eventually get comfortable and big enough when he will be in the open more and will take him off my hands. I identified him and he's pricey. I'm moving all of my fish to a 110 gallon tank. The two tangs grew up together, play together, and sleep together, so they have to stay together. The eel will hopefully be gone soon. He really isn't pretty...
Good advice so far but one additional note. Eels are not invertebrates, they are a fish.

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