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So I'm excited to say that I finally got my LR and two yellow tail damselfish. I fed the fish this afternoon and saw a little guy come crawling out. I tried to take a picture of it with my phone but the picture is too blurry. Anyways...the crab was out and about for a good 10 minutes then went back into hiding. He's small and he blends right in w/ the colors of the LR. Any ideas (without actually seeing it) of what kind of crab it is and if I should leave him be or take him out?
If its a small greenish crab then you're the new owner of an emerald crab, def leave him in there. A good addition to your CUC. They eat hair algae an comb your LR for other nuisance algaes. I also had a hitch hiking emerald that survived my cycle.
I have a hitchhiker crab too! Mine is a sand and darkish brown colour with black ended claws. I think he is part of the xanthidae family and it seems he is an unwanted guest!