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I have a 20 with nothing in it and I was wondering if you need live sand and rock in it? Maybe those who are running frag tanks can tell me how they have it set up. TIA.
I also don't have a frag tank, but my LFS does have a huge frag tank. All it really consists of is a shelves with some larger pieces of LR and then coral growing on those LR and just like mentioned above, good lighting conditions and good water flow.
I have sand in mine. Not mush but about an inch or so. You can do it any way you like. Mine is plumbed into my main system. I have snails and a cleaner shrimp in there too.
My LFS has 2 large frag tanks. The eggcrate is elevated about 8" off of the bottom. Several large hunks of LR are in each tank. Occasionally a small fish or two can also be found in the frag tanks.
Lots of light and filteration including a large refugium.