FresH2O's 20g planted rescape

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
The reason for your wrinkled AR Leaves is a lack of Co2. It's typically with any plant. I've gone through this before with AR Mini. I suspect the DIY co2 isn't cutting it. It may also be the problem of your Staurogyne Repens, but I doubt it.

Twisted or wrinkled leaves can also be due to a calcium deficiency or too much potassium and or magnesium. If holes in the plant leaves start out as pin holes and slowly enlarge that is a sign of potassium deficiency.

I like to keep my phosphates around 5ppm and have found I have do just about triple my phosphate/potassium solution daily in order to maintain that level.
Man I know how you feel. It's hard to pull the trigger on a GLA system because of the price but I'm glad I did now. It only hurt a little while. LOL. OS.

Cost wise I think I could get a BML with dimmer and the non-GLA setup for less. Decisions, decisions.
Twisted or wrinkled leaves can also be due to a calcium deficiency or too much potassium and or magnesium. If holes in the plant leaves start out as pin holes and slowly enlarge that is a sign of potassium deficiency.

I like to keep my phosphates around 5ppm and have found I have do just about triple my phosphate/potassium solution daily in order to maintain that level.

Thanks for chiming in on this. Not sure if there is an excess of potassium or magnesium because I have been using the standard dosing amount (1 mL/10gal). Only recently doubled the amount which brings the phosphate to about 2. I may try tripling the dose.

Yes, I have seen some but not a lot of the expanding pin holes in the leaves of the star repens.

The calcium deficiency is an interesting item because for months I have seen the tips of the Malaysian trumpet snail shells turn white (and decay). I do not have a Ca test kit although I know that API makes one. Do you suppose there is a correlation between low calcium and the deteriorating shells?
I have noticed with Olive nerites that they seem quite prone to shell deterioration. I've got horned/spiked and the larger fancy nerites and only see the shell issues with the Olives and on rare occasion MTS's (but that is rare). I've kind of gotten in the habit of adding a bit of montmorillonite clay in tanks that I see this problem. I usually add it once a month. I don't use a calcium test but do think they make a freshwater one. I use the montmorillonite clay usually weekly in the koi ponds as it's very good for them. It does lightly cloud the tank for about 24 hours and I just monitor the kh and gh to be sure I don't raise them too much. Your gh gives you an idea of how much magnesium is in the tank.

Are you using Glut with the DIY CO2?

I also would go with a good BML fixture at a 75 degree beam angle the XB series and the cheaper Aquatek regulator since that is exactly what I have on the one 55g.
OMG...I must have CO2 on the brain.

I just stopped by Walmart to exchange a gas tank because we are grilling out today. After paying for it I handed the receipt to the outdoor area attendant and distinctly said "CO2 Tank!"
He looked and me and said "Huh?"
I said "Uh, I mean Exchange Tank"

I thought it would be best not to speak anymore so I just took the tank and acknowledged him with a bro chin nod.
Cost wise I think I could get a BML with dimmer and the non-GLA setup for less. Decisions, decisions.

I also would go with a good BML fixture at a 75 degree beam angle the XB series and the cheaper Aquatek regulator since that is exactly what I have on the one 55g.

Yes and yes! BML + Aquatek CO2 = super grow color-enhancing/developing potential. :)
Thank you for the recommendations. Have not ordered anything yet but have a few things "in the cart". Can't decide if I want to buy a 5# tank and get refills or do the exchange tank thing. Need to find out what's available locally.

I've been (more) diligent dosing the ferts and glut and making sure the DIY CO2 batches are fresh and it appears to be paying off.

The AR mini still has some curled up newly sprouted leaves, however, there are new, normally shaped leaves growing as well:
Despite some leaf drop and holes, the Staur repens is still producing new growth. Not as lush as I'd like but that may be a limitation of consistent CO2 and/or more intense light:
Here is an FTS. Not much has changed. Gave the regular AR a trim and...
...added the cuttings to my grow out tank for a splash of color:
Awesome Fresh! How do you make a 20l look like a 60g? Just let Fresh2o plant it for you. OS.

Haha! Thanks! It's all in the perspective. Adding something like CPDs or other nano fish would complete the look.

This is the old Petco 6.6g bookshelf tank. Set it up as a "holding tank for the planted tank trimmings" to keep it under radar but it is secretly another tank. Only thing missing is a heater. If the AR and star repens hold up (it gets direct sunlight as well) then I might set it up as another planted tank. But I really should use it for a QT; it's been almost a year and a half since I've purchased any fish and one of the reasons is because I told myself that I won't unless I QT them.
A planted QT? Maybe if the new fish are mid level swimmers like Serpae tetras. Not if the new fish are Kuhlii loaches; would have to tear the tank apart to catch them.
I know what you mean about buying fish. All mine are healthy and happy and I'd rather take a beating than buy new fish now because of all the QT and disease hassles. OS.
FINALLY got around to doing this:
For years I have been doing water changes and have been guesstimating how much water was being changed. Yes, the markings are not consistent (trying to keep it level on the edge of the bathroom tub was a challenge) but the total volume it the most important mark. Instead of 35-45% it's more like 25-35%.
Went to the store yesterday looking for zucchini and all I found was green squash. Frustrated (no I did not ask anyone for help...that would be like asking for directions), took the squash to the automated checkout and when I scanned it, the machine voice said "Weigh your zucchini". Went home, told my wife about this "discovery" and the expression she gave was similar to me talking about the latest happenings on the AA site.
Also, started a new thread about some mysterious brown dots in my tanks:
Update on the plants. The stunted growth on the AR mini appears to be going away as with leaf drop and spots on the star repens. The mysterious brown dots have nearly disappeared. Triple dosing macros (no nitrates), double dosing micros, 10 mL glut, trying the keep the DIY CO2 fresh.
Time to trim the the star repens and AR mini again. I also have a ton of dwarf sag and broadleaf swords in another tank. I might post these in the classified section as a discount sale or RAOK.
I think I will be ordering the Aquatek regulator tonight. Been dragging my feet on that one.
Top view of the Starogynes repens

AR mini

Ammania bonsai

Tank is looking good! Those S. Repens compliment the AR mini well.

As for the Aquatek, last time I checked, it's a much better deal to buy in eBay rather than Amazon. Usually they throw in extras like free tubing (plus no tax, unlike Amazon now).
@Brian - I think the two plants compliment each other.
I already have Amazon prime with the free 2 day shipping so I may stick with that.
@Sk3lly - the star repens has had its ups and downs in this tank but for its low cost and high availability in my area it turned out to be a good deal (Topfin gel pack for $7.99). I find that trimming the upright growth promotes the side shoots which adds to the fullness.
Yeah I have prime too, but if I'm not in a rush, I'd go with the better deal since it originates from the same place... aquatek's Amazon store versus eBay store. Same seller in two marketplaces essentially. Either way, it's a good investment to go pressurized.
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