Freshwater Sump.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 10, 2012
Hi I am about to set up a 48 inch x 24 inch x 24 inch tank with a suitable sized sump tank for freshwater fish. What sort of size return pump would be best and what would be bbest to use for filtration medium in the sump etc. Was thingking of possibly a 3500lph pump and a mixture of filter cloth / balls / peat or gravel etc. The sump has 3 main compartments with a sluice type section around the central part. Anybody out there got any suggestions please. Thanks.

Use 3/4" or 1" return pipe. How high is the display tank from the sump. For such a strong pump, i would think your sump is 10ft below your display.

You got pics of your sump?
No not 10 foot above. Just that I saw on a blog that they reckon you need a pump that circultaes about 8 times your total litreage! perhaps not so I think back to the drawing board. Thanks for your comment have taken it on board, Cheers.

Oh I misread. I thought you said 3500gph. Yeah its good to have good circulation through the tank, so 8x the volume is ok. I aim for at least 10x the volume of the tank.

Get a filter sock or pad at the drain line. Then get any kind of media for biological filtration.

Check out my signature 120g tank with 40g sump.
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