freshwater to 75 gallon saltwater reef with fish evolution.

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Also the new rock work.


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Rock work looks very intricate, is it all very stable? Some of those pieces look like they could be trouble...or did you epoxy them together?
On yet another side note here's the two sides to our puppy. Sweet and evil.


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thanks for the compliments!
hopefully she will see why i do what i do.

Rock work looks very intricate, is it all very stable? Some of those pieces look like they could be trouble...or did you epoxy them together?

no epoxy. and it is stable. i used the natural curves and shapes of the rock to brace itself. kind of like the rock had little "cups" to hold the next rock. took a lot of rotating and trying this piece there that piece here, sit down look at it do it over again. on one piece i had to use two hands to get it in place. kind of like if anyone has seen any documentaries on the construction of the st louis arch.

the coral beauty was very patient with me. clowns didnt care that i was there.

on the right side you will see the bolder that i said earlier that i wish wasnt there. i think that if that wasnt in the way i could build it to arch like a suspended "m".
i still say i lost an emerald crab to the eel. star fish is still doing star fish things. no conflict between eel and fish what so ever. coral beauty is pecking at the algae that came with the rocks and my become an issue. peppermint shrimp still shrimping around. and i think we still have both hermit crabs.

thats every thing thats going on in the tank....oh and coral beauty digs swimming in and out and figure "8"ing the rocks.
stuff that will creep a person out. so there i am watching the coral beauty swim around the tank. doing what coral beauty's do, what ever that is. and i see an eel head sticking out from a rock. the rock the beauty is swimming through. then i see an inch of eel. then 3. the beauty is frozen in its tracks so to speak. then the eel kinda "hugs" it, then the beauty swims on and the eel slowly retracts into its hole in the rock.

freaked me out thought i was watching the end of the coral beauty and the impending flushing of an eel.
stuff that will creep a person out. so there i am watching the coral beauty swim around the tank. doing what coral beauty's do, what ever that is. and i see an eel head sticking out from a rock. the rock the beauty is swimming through. then i see an inch of eel. then 3. the beauty is frozen in its tracks so to speak. then the eel kinda "hugs" it, then the beauty swims on and the eel slowly retracts into its hole in the rock.

freaked me out thought i was watching the end of the coral beauty and the impending flushing of an eel.


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LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome... Woulda loved to have seen that!!!!
Nothing against your beauty but speaking with a 20 year fishing career, eels are some of the creepiest fish out there
yes its kinda creepy, and hopefully i can keep it until we get our big tank where it can be a kinda cool creepy.
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