Frogs? Can I get 1?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 1, 2004
Hello all,
I am looking to add a frog or 2 to my 55 gallon tank which currectly houses:

3 Angelfish
3 Headlite Tetras
1 Gold Algae Eater
1 Pictus Catfish
1 4" Birchir
2 Kilifish

I saw an "XL" Dwarf frog at my LFS. I was so tempted to buy him for only $3.50 but I figured it would be best to research first so that I am not putting him to his death.

I have a gravel bottom. Will 2 of these guys or ADF do good in my 55 gallon? Will they be eaten? Also, how big do they get?

Thanks a bunch :)

Thank you,
I checked both sites. Very interesting, but I did not see anything that would suggest that they might be bad for my tank. Please correct me if I am wrong.

but I did not see anything that would suggest that they might be bad for my tank. Please correct me if I am wrong.
They wouldn't be bad for your tank, your tank would be bad for them :!:
The poor little ADF's do best with small docile fish, your Pictus Cat alone might very well try to eat'em, if not just terrorize'em with its hyperactivity (most Pictus I've seen were hyperactive).

IMHO, your tank would be a very poor home for ADF's.
If your going to take one of God's creatures into your care....
Then "CARE" for it.
What kind of Birchir do you have? Some get two (2'+) feet plus and would find a ADF as a quick snack. I realize yours is only four (4") inches right now but he'll grow fast.
You certainly should! The frog will eat your tetras, then your killies...and them make a nice fat meal for your bichir to eat (bichirs LOVE frogs). :D Besides, it is just a matter of time (and not much time) before your bichir eats those annoying little fish himself anyways. :lol:
Thank you all for the replys. No frogs then.
This kind of bothers me because it seems like I really limit myself to what I can have in my tank because of my Pictus Catfish and now it seems like my Birchir. LOL..
For example, I wanted to get some ghost shrimp but was told "nope, your catfish will eat him". What sucks the most is that my catfish hides all damn day and just comes out at nite so I never see him really unless I look under the rock that he calls home :)
The catfish is really a beutiful fish though as well as my Birchir. Thank you all again.

I have had a very difficult time myself with frogs in community tanks. They are just so slow at eating and I fear they don't get enough. If I were to do it all over again, I'd keep them in a species tank. They are great to keep though. Talk about entertainment!
I have a dwarf frog, but the first time i tried to get one, i got the dwarf frog (XL ) and it turned out to be a clawed frog.. big difference.
I feed mine shrimp pellets, tubifex worms, and frozen bloodworms. He is in a community tank and seems to get enough food. He's been living for many months, not sure if it's been a year yet but close to it though. I am moving him to my 10 gal tho which will be with a few more frogs and a small plec.
Yeah, the clawed frogs get much, much bigger. I had one and it ate 3 of my fish, a tetra, female betta, and small pictus cat.

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