Frozen baby brine shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 30, 2008
I purchased some frozen baby brine shrimp at my lfs today. After the 25 minute ride home, I went to put them in the freezer. However, some of the cubes are half defrosted. The package mentions about not using refrozen bbs. Are these still ok to use?

Yes.. What they mean is.. not to thaw them out then refreese what you dont use. Since you didnt open the seal they will be fine =D

Now to justify that answer, when you thaw out the shrimp, they say use it within 2-3 days.. as soon as it thaw's the nutrience are being released and removed from the shrimp itself. Making it not so great of a diet.. worse than it is currently.
Thank you.

When you mentioned "worse than it is currently", are you saying that baby brine shrimp are not that good for fish nutrient wise? I had read in a number of places that they were good for fry. I have been using packaged fry food, egg yolk, and crushed flakes so far (mixing it here and there for variety).

We now have 7 platy fry and 1 guppy fry. The children are enjoying keeping an eye out for fry here and there. The platy seems to be slooooooooowly dropping her fry.
You dont want them to take over the diet of what you feed them currently. Use frozen foods to clean out a digestive tract. I usually feed them frosen brine or a exotic mixture 1 time a week.
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