Frozen vs Freeze dried

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 19, 2011
What different effects do freeze dried have over frozen? I have a betta and have been feeding him freeze dried bloodworms and I have been hearing a lot about getting frozen. No lfs has frozen around me so should I spend an extra dollar to buy frozen online or continue with freeze dried. Thanks!
I prefer frozen blood worms as freeze dried stuff, too often in my opinion, gets pulverized and just becomes powder. For just one fish tho, I'd probably just stick to freeze dried as frozen comes in cubes. Maybe someone else can give better advice on betta feeding.
If you choose to use freeze dried, which has almost no nutritional value when compared to the frozen, just be sure to rehydrate the food first. I soak mine in a little tank water and garlic guard. If you don't take this step, your fish has the possibility of having the freezedried food expand in its stomach and cause bloat.

You might want to doublecheck at the larger pet chain stores near you. Surprisingly, my PetsMart carries frozen foods.
exactly what lynda said. i prefer the frozen, because its moist and fresh, where as when something is dry, it gets wet, it expands and gets bigger, plus you know what youre buying when its frozen and not in a fish food container.
I agree with what has been said. Freeze-dried can expand, and make your fish bloated.
ive always tried to keep bettas in actual community tanks, and my bettas loved the frozen beefheart, although i never fed it to them often, because i heard it wasnt healthy. its worth it paying the extra to get frozen stuff.
Thanks! I have my betta in a community tank but I feed him separately since he needs more protein or so I have heard.
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