FS: 24 Gallon Nanocube Deluxe (New Jersey)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 8, 2007
Princeton NJ
Well, I have found new homes for all of my fish and now it is time to start selling off all of my stuff. I have a 24 gallon nanocube deluxe (about a year and a half old) that is in relatively good condition. I had a problem with the ballast going bad and melting one of the cable connectors so I replaced the ballast but did not fix one of damaged connectors. I had been running only one bulb since this happened (not a problem since I had FW fish in there). The glass is in good condition, the only perceptable mark I found was one tiny tiny indentation, probably from a piece of sand getting knocked into it. I will post pictures later. I was thinking $100 for the nanocube is fair (pickup only) since a replacement tank itself costs $100 plus shipping and a 24 gal nanocube will run you close to $300 shipped. I will provide pictures soon.
It has the Nanotuners Moon Light Fix[/url] ($23.95). Also has a relatively new upgraded pump, the stock one died on me.







I will throw in the stand for $20 too. Water leaked into the drawer so the cardboard bottom is sagging a little but otherwise it is a good sturdy stand with a cabinet beneath. I can take a better pic if someone wants. I painted the top and then polyurethaned it.

Also, if you want, you can have all of the plants and black sand for $10.
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