Fun stocking ideas for 20 gallon long

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 15, 2015
Central NY
I have finally gotten my 20 gallon long stable and am ready to plan out the tank. I also have an old 6.6 gallon bookshelf tank that I kind of want to set up in my kid's room as well. I am still trying to convince my husband that 2 tanks isn't too many. I have a few fish already and I have a list of fish I find fascinating. I would love to hear real life thoughts on stocking plans instead of trying to rely on AqAdvisor, which I feel like is overstocking me while saying I am fine.

Setup: 20 gallon long, Fluval C2 filter, Lights: one T8 bulb with plans for a Finnex Planted 24/7 fixture in the future.

Plants: 2 types of crypts, ludwigia, hornwort, 2 types of anubias, 2 types of java fern, a tiny bit of java moss and 3 moss balls. I also have a few pieces of driftwood and rocks.

Current temp is 78, levels are: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, PH is 7.8

Possible 6.6 gallon setup for the Betta or anyone who doesn't get along

So I currently have: 1 male betta, 1 zebra nerite snail, and 7 pygmy cories

Fish I am interested in but realize may not be realistic or compatible:
Shell Dwelling Cichlids: Their behavior sounds really fun
Non-aggressive Dwarf Cichlids : Also interesting due to their behavior
Peacock Grudgeon: These also sound really interesting
Emperor Tetra
Ember Tetras
Ruby Tetras
Strawberry Rasbora
Green or regular Neon Tetras (my husband's only request)
Rummynose Tetras
Harlequin Rasbora, regular or purple

So I am looking at some combination of a few things. Or I can just add a large school of something like small tetra to my tank and call it a day.

Thanks so much! This is such an addictive hobby.
I have finally gotten my 20 gallon long stable and am ready to plan out the tank. I also have an old 6.6 gallon bookshelf tank that I kind of want to set up in my kid's room as well. I am still trying to convince my husband that 2 tanks isn't too many. I have a few fish already and I have a list of fish I find fascinating. I would love to hear real life thoughts on stocking plans instead of trying to rely on AqAdvisor, which I feel like is overstocking me while saying I am fine.

Setup: 20 gallon long, Fluval C2 filter, Lights: one T8 bulb with plans for a Finnex Planted 24/7 fixture in the future.

Plants: 2 types of crypts, ludwigia, hornwort, 2 types of anubias, 2 types of java fern, a tiny bit of java moss and 3 moss balls. I also have a few pieces of driftwood and rocks.

Current temp is 78, levels are: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, PH is 7.8

Possible 6.6 gallon setup for the Betta or anyone who doesn't get along

So I currently have: 1 male betta, 1 zebra nerite snail, and 7 pygmy cories

Fish I am interested in but realize may not be realistic or compatible:
Shell Dwelling Cichlids: Their behavior sounds really fun
Non-aggressive Dwarf Cichlids : Also interesting due to their behavior
Peacock Grudgeon: These also sound really interesting
Emperor Tetra
Ember Tetras
Ruby Tetras
Strawberry Rasbora
Green or regular Neon Tetras (my husband's only request)
Rummynose Tetras
Harlequin Rasbora, regular or purple

So I am looking at some combination of a few things. Or I can just add a large school of something like small tetra to my tank and call it a day.

Thanks so much! This is such an addictive hobby.

I'm interested to see what others have to say -- I think I'm finally at the tail end of cycling, so I'm starting to think about stocking as well. I have a ton of ideas (like you), but I don't know what's realistic/compatible, especially in 20G. Looking forward to checking back in:fish2:
With your current setup, a lot of the forementioned fish in your list are not compatible. If you would like to build off of your current stocking though, something like 6-8 gold pencil fish would be a really cool addition to your tank that would for sure get along with everyone. Are you wanting to move away from the current stocking or add to it and keep your current fish?
I am pretty open to ideas. Originally my plan was the have the betta, pygmy cories, and a school of small rasbora or tetra. My betta has been stressed in the large tank though and I am considering moving him back to the 6.6 gallon. I am concerned that the addition of schooling fish will freak him out.

So that would leave the 20 long with just 7 tiny cories; which opens up the stocking quite a bit. So I was just looking for ideas. I was in no way wanting all of those fish together. I just mentioned fish I like in the hopes it might help with some stocking ideas. Pencil fish are very pretty too. There are so many beautiful fish. If I could I would have 5 tanks.

Some of my ideas, trying to get contrast of color :
7 pygmy cory
7 green neons
7 ruby tetra
maybe a dwarf gourami?

7 pygmy cory
7 strawberry rasbora
5 emperor tetra
some colorful shrimp

7 pygmy cory
7 ember tetra
7 purple harlequin rasbora
maybe a very small centerpiece fish

I wasn't sure if the dwarf cichlids or grudgeons would be mean to my cories but if not I would consider adding those instead of schooling fish to the tank.

AqAdvisor says all of my ideas are fine stocking wise but it does seem like a lot of fish so I am hoping for advice or ideas. Thanks :)
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