Aquarium Advice Apprentice
I have finally gotten my 20 gallon long stable and am ready to plan out the tank. I also have an old 6.6 gallon bookshelf tank that I kind of want to set up in my kid's room as well. I am still trying to convince my husband that 2 tanks isn't too many. I have a few fish already and I have a list of fish I find fascinating. I would love to hear real life thoughts on stocking plans instead of trying to rely on AqAdvisor, which I feel like is overstocking me while saying I am fine.
Setup: 20 gallon long, Fluval C2 filter, Lights: one T8 bulb with plans for a Finnex Planted 24/7 fixture in the future.
Plants: 2 types of crypts, ludwigia, hornwort, 2 types of anubias, 2 types of java fern, a tiny bit of java moss and 3 moss balls. I also have a few pieces of driftwood and rocks.
Current temp is 78, levels are: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, PH is 7.8
Possible 6.6 gallon setup for the Betta or anyone who doesn't get along
So I currently have: 1 male betta, 1 zebra nerite snail, and 7 pygmy cories
Fish I am interested in but realize may not be realistic or compatible:
Shell Dwelling Cichlids: Their behavior sounds really fun
Non-aggressive Dwarf Cichlids : Also interesting due to their behavior
Peacock Grudgeon: These also sound really interesting
Emperor Tetra
Ember Tetras
Ruby Tetras
Strawberry Rasbora
Green or regular Neon Tetras (my husband's only request)
Rummynose Tetras
Harlequin Rasbora, regular or purple
So I am looking at some combination of a few things. Or I can just add a large school of something like small tetra to my tank and call it a day.
Thanks so much! This is such an addictive hobby.
Setup: 20 gallon long, Fluval C2 filter, Lights: one T8 bulb with plans for a Finnex Planted 24/7 fixture in the future.
Plants: 2 types of crypts, ludwigia, hornwort, 2 types of anubias, 2 types of java fern, a tiny bit of java moss and 3 moss balls. I also have a few pieces of driftwood and rocks.
Current temp is 78, levels are: Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, PH is 7.8
Possible 6.6 gallon setup for the Betta or anyone who doesn't get along
So I currently have: 1 male betta, 1 zebra nerite snail, and 7 pygmy cories
Fish I am interested in but realize may not be realistic or compatible:
Shell Dwelling Cichlids: Their behavior sounds really fun
Non-aggressive Dwarf Cichlids : Also interesting due to their behavior
Peacock Grudgeon: These also sound really interesting
Emperor Tetra
Ember Tetras
Ruby Tetras
Strawberry Rasbora
Green or regular Neon Tetras (my husband's only request)
Rummynose Tetras
Harlequin Rasbora, regular or purple
So I am looking at some combination of a few things. Or I can just add a large school of something like small tetra to my tank and call it a day.
Thanks so much! This is such an addictive hobby.