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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 2, 2012
Sheffield, England
Hello all

Was jut about to stock my new tank when I noticed this...thing in my tank. It's a white substance located near two of my plants and on an area of substrate. It's white, best way I can describe it is a spider web made of cotton wool.

Couple of Questions...

What is it?
How do I get rid of it?
Should I not stock the tank until it is gone?

I'm a novice so help would be appreciated!

On the plus side my tank has a baby snail :)


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It could be from decomposing food or waste. Try removing it and do a good gravel vacuuming.
I experienced something like this when I was cycling my 55gal. I was told it is a harmless fungus. It looked a lot like what you have described. Cottony, almost milky looking fuzz...anyway, I let it stay for about a week because i began to notice it was starting to detach and float around the water. after a week it had all detached and I did a big water change and rinsed my decor. It has not shown up again!
Excellent, doesn't sound like anything I need to be too worried about then. Will keep an eye on it but shall go and buy my new Betta tomorrow :)

Cheers guys.
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