Fuzzy fungus on black moor

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 9, 2017
My little mate has white fluffy fungi growing on him, one behind his eye (new) and one on his side. I noticed the one on his side a week ago yesterday so did an immediate water change, put Melafix in the water along with the Seachem and when i got home, dosed him on Pimafix.
I did this all week, Melafix in the morning and Pimafix in the evening then another water change yesterday. Unfortunately, the new growth was noticed today. It looks like cotton is growing but he's still pretty active and eating, poo looks good etc. Im not sure what to do at this point...
Any suggestions? I have recently changed the filter to a bigger one, but i ran dual filters for a fortnight beforehand to let the bacteria get into the new one before i pulled out the old one.
Please help!!
If you got a quarantine tank put him in it and add erythromycin. Do water changes as suggested on the instructions. If you don't, pull any carbon out of your filtration then dose your tank with erythromycin. Another option, if you don't have immediate access to medicine, is to do 50% water changes every two days. Keep the water pristine.
Thanks King Fisher, i'll pull the carbon out of his tank tomorrow and do another water change, will try to source some of the medicine you mentioned as well. Thank you!!
Pull it right before dosing meds. I've run HOB's with no filters when medicating in the past due to carbon (had carbon filter cartridges). There should be enough beneficial bacteria on decor and substrate to keep the water stabile.
No worries, i'll do a water change then dose him, i run the carbon cartridges too but uve got some filter wool i can run for a time while the medicine takes effect. Hopefully he feels better soon!
Have just done a 25% water change and pulled the carbon filter out, replaced it with filter wool. Dosed the meds while i was refilling his tank so they went right through the water, just pimafix and seachem. Will do another water change in a couple of days, change the wool if need be, but will dose the pimafix every day. Fingers crossed it works
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