gallery is up: pics of my betta tanks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2003
Iowa, US
I'd call these pics of my bettas, but it's been a while since I broke out the digital camera, so I didn't do so hot in getting viewable shots of them. But I did get nice pics of their tanks, however. Oh, and yes, it was taken about 2 hours before a water change. :)

Anyway, just thought I would share! The blue guy makes bubbles nests daily and tends to get spooked by his reflection in the back of his tank. He has the most beautiful full fins, absolutely flawless (in my opinion), and he loves to flare them out and act all macho. The red guy mostly swims back and forth along the front glass, strikes with a slapping noise at his food (as opposed to the blue one who just sucks it in), and plays/lays on his soft leaves.
Hi...These are nice pictures! I have a digital camera beside my betta's tank, waiting to take a nice picture. He was sitting really cute on the plant today. But every time I pick up the camera, that little bugger swims away!

So, I guess your tanks are 2 1/2 gallons? What kind of plants do you have? Are they plastic (because they look so perfect!) You said the blue one makes bubble nests -- what about the red one? Are the tanks positioned so they can see each other? The decorations are nice too. I'm having trouble finding small enough decorations for my 5 1/2 gallon.

My betta is by himself now in the 5 1/2 gallon tank. He used to make big bubble nests in his bowl. Then I put him and my other betta in this tank. The other betta died last week, :cry: so I think I'll take the divider out and let this betta (he's blue too!) have the whole tank to himself. Once he realizes that he's alone in the tank, maybe he'll build bubble nests again.
Yeah, both of those tanks are little 2.5 gal $8 jobs from PetSmart. They're positioned so that I just have to pull my phone away and take a small piece of cardboard from beside the blue guy's tank, and they can see each other. Otherwise, there is some cardboard in the way (with a strip of background taped to it).

The plants in the blue tank are plastic. I got all of his plants at petco. The taller ones is what he makes bubble nests on, and those are just cut up as they were originally really long strands of plastic plants.

The plants in the red tank are not plastic, but rather little fabric things. I bought them at PetSmart, and then cut up the arrangement they were on and planted each one individually. They make a nice border around most of the tank, and give the red guy some leaves to sleep on and swim amongst, with no fear of fin damage at all.

The red one made a nest about the third day I had him, when he was still in his little pint-sized hexagon container. Since then, he's not been nearly as active with bubbles, but he swims a lot. The blue guy makes bubbles daily, and almost always has a nest going in the corner.

The two little statues are both from PetCo, and are basically the smallest decorations they had!

At any rate, buying oversized plants and cutting them up is a good way to go, as you're right, it is hard finding decorations small enough for a small tank.
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