gambusia Breeding?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 2, 2017
I am curious on the breeding of fish in this genus. I will be getting a 29 gallon and was thinking of getting some fish from this genus. I was wondering if I could flock breed them and have a colony of this species?
My memory of them is a aggressive little live bearer. It been a long time but I used to catch them
Thank you, that is what I was worried about. They are native to where I live and I have loved watching them since I was a child.
Most, if not all, species are notorious fry eaters so getting any kind of amount of fry to survive would require a lot of frilly plants for the fry to hide in and some good luck. ;) It would be best to put pregnant females in a separate tank to give birth then raise the fry a bit before putting them back into the colony.
I've had good luck breeding them outdoors in a small (50-60g) water feature. Cover is water lilies, dwarf sag, and string algae (meh). The numbers build up each summer despite predation and winter die off (they are under ice for a few weeks).
Have never attempted keeping them indoors due to their reported aggressiveness.
I would have thick cover from guppy grass. Thank you for the help.
I love the stuff. It is such a thick cover. I have a hard time viewing the fish sometimes. Thank you for the photo.
I'm keeping gambusia affinis overhere. This year I'm keeping them outdoors. They do pretty well outside. But in this tank no other kind of fish is in there. They're real good fin nippers. But they would be okay with certain goodeids I have overhere as well.
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