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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 8, 2017
I read some articles about adding a lil bit of garlic in fish food and feeding it weekly to boost their immune system and their appetite. It is also said to cure/prevent ich. Is it safe for fishes? Will it affect invertebrates?
Garlic is amazing, get garlic guard by seachem, feed food that you soaked in it once a week, it does not cure ich even though it's said to do so in Maine fish the trick is getting the fish to eat it, it does boost immune system just like it does in human beings.
Hello Fish...

An organic minced garlic is fine for anything you keep in a tank. Choose one of the brands with no additives. Just water and the garlic. Very nutritional. My fish really go for it. Ich is a tricky parasite. It can live on the skin of fish for some time with no risk to a healthy fish. However, a couple of missed water changes or a sudden change in the water chemistry can stress even a healthy fish and affect its immune system, leaving it open to infection.

The best thing you can do is change most of the tank water weekly, feed just a little of a variety of flakes, freeze dried and even frozen foods and add some stems of a floating plant to the tank to keep the water cleaner between water changes.

Thanks Potluck and BBradbury! I just made some garlic juice at home and mixed it with my fish food and all my swordtails went crazy! All food gone after 6-7 seconds :D
Just make sure you use your own or get seachem's stuff. I use a lemon zester and add bits of the garlic myself to food for my non-carnivores. (Basically everyone except the frogs and bettas, they just get juice, as much as possible.) The pre-minced jars at the grocery store have various acids as preservatives.
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