GBR eggs......again!!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 13, 2005
Harlingen, Texas
YAY!!! My two juvie rams laid eggs. I guess that's why they were chasing the ohter female so much.....she was in the way. They laid a set of eggs on an inside curl of one of my Amazon swords. This wil make my next PWC a real challenge indeed! I'm excited, but not terribly optimistic. At least they're doing well and really comfy in my tank. I hope something neat happens. Mom and Pop are guarding closely and will not leave their sword plant. Wish me luck!!
Good luck! You're going to be a GBR mommy....maybe! Hopefully they will hatch and live. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for ya. :D
Congrats on the eggs. They should start hatching in 3-4 days and some as long as 7-8 days. They won't all hatch the same day, but who knows, anything is possible. :)
These are some great Ram parents! They will not leave "their leaf" simultaneously. LOL Thanks for all the well wishes. I would LOVE to have some hatchlings!
All is still well with the eggs. Mom and Pop are working around the clock. I had to move the other female ram...she was getting harrassed constantly. It's really weird where they laid these eggs, but it's pretty well hidden. I just hope I can keep the "pest" snails away. 8O
Yep, caviar. These rams are very young and I think they need some practice. LOL I've just about decided to throw toegether a 10 gallon dedicated fry tank. If they're going to get serious so will I!! LOL These two have plenty of time to figure it out.....the female's belly is awful pink again and they are chasing, so it may just be a matter of time.

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