German ram tank build

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Thanks all, to clear it up, as of now I want

4 yoyo loacehs
5 guppies
8 rumynose tetras
2 German blue rams
1 pearl gourami
And I know, next time I'm at the lfs it wil lprobably change, but for now this is it! So here are a few questions/concerns about this plan
For guppies(I want fancy males) can I get like 1 yellow cobra, a blue, a red, a green, and a different color, will they all hang together?
For yoyos, will they eat a nerite snail and mess with live plants?
Pearl gourami, still better with 1 or a pair?
Rumynose I think they are good!
Gbr, I'll add in April, and will there be a chance babies will live?
Pleco-can I add one if my tank has that stock? Also levels for today-
Trates-20? They went down from 80
So still same! And for order, I'm thinking guppies, wait a week, yoyos, wait a week, rumys, week, gourami, two minths gbr.
I've never had issues with angels in gourami but do find that if you do not offer enough cover than you could have issues. If you are willing to add some more cover I think it's worth a shot.

For the other school what about hatchets? They would add a great look to your tank and def stick to the upper level. They would also benefit from some top cover which would do the gourami some good as well. They are jumpers though so a good fitting lid is a must and few gaps for them to jump from.

I'd also be a bit weary of the guppies and gourami. It's one of those hit or miss things so maybe have a back up just incase
Thank ya. I think for sure I'll be adding tall plants! But I'll start with the gourami and see how he is, then think about an angel. The guppies are really important to me so I am really liking them, and I'd rehome the gourami if need be. But then also, I love the gourami! Mabye need another tank!:mts:
As for quarintining, don't think I can get another tank. But I'll deffinitly take stocking slow
So as for plants, I'm thinkin a Anubis nana by the small dw, java fern in middle, and some wysteria in the back right. Sounds good? Also. This is my not-so-final final stocking
5 male fancy guppies
1 pearl gourami
8 or 12 rummy nose tetras
2 German blue or gold rams
4 yoyo loaches
3 otos or 1 small pleco
I think I'm gonna do the rams cause none of my lfs carry apisto double reds and those are really the only ones I love
So as for plants, I'm thinkin a Anubis nana by the small dw, java fern in middle, and some wysteria in the back right. Sounds good? Also. This is my not-so-final final stocking
5 male fancy guppies
1 pearl gourami
8 or 12 rummy nose tetras
2 German blue or gold rams
4 yoyo loaches
3 otos or 1 small pleco
I think I'm gonna do the rams cause none of my lfs carry apisto double reds and those are really the only ones I love

I think all those plants should do well in your tank, they're all low light plants and the wysteria will suck up a lot of nitrates, which will help out your rams. Good luck!
Thanks, and the stock? I like the look if crypt red wyndetti too, is that ok?

Depends on what ferts you plan to use or don't want to use. I think I remember hearing that crypts can melt if using liquid carbon and most red plants need supplemented iron and some more thought put into lighting to continue showing their red colors, but honestly I'm too tired and can't remember any specifics on those two plants since I've never had them in my tanks, I've always thought about them but always went another direction
Edit: and as for the stock I would do otos, they should be less on your bioload and they're pretty active, and I would start off with 8 rummy noses then after you've added everything else (even after the rams) see if you still want to add 4 more, just my opinion
Crypts don't melt when using liquid carbon and if you want a simple plant for non-green color get a Red Tiger Lotus.
I've got a happy crypt (red wendtii) with excel, root tabs and flourish comprehensive. Easy, lovely plant. Red tiger lotus is also growing nicely.

Crypts "melt" when you move them.
I won't be able to get co2 or frets or tabs, so any non beginer easy plant is not an option. I'm not in need of he red as my tank already has green, black, dray, light brown, dark brown, and dark red I the decor. I think the Anubis and java fern and water wysteria will look good. The. Mabye some moss. So now that my stock has been cut down a bunch(see last post about final stock) can I get a pleco?
I agree with rivercat, red lotus is an incredibly easy plant to raise. Also check out her TOTM planted 220g!! She doesn't use CO2 and it's one of the most beautifully planted tanks I've seen!! That said, my suggestions for good beginner plants are- water onion, Anubis nana, lace java fern, normal java fern, crypts, Amazon swords are good too, but a) they get big and b) if they aren't raised submerged they get kind of ugly when submerged and can cause problems with water conditions if they start 'melting' at the tips, java moss (though it's not necessarily pretty), water lilies of just about any common type, marimo moss always adds a pretty touch. Good luck to you, I love planted tanks!! Looking forward to seeing your progress!!
How big exact ally to the swords get? I want tall but not too wide. And also, my lfs has then in fully submerged
I believe 16-18 inches but I'm guessing on that one based on what I've seen in experience, if you have a tall then have a blast :) you can always trim back
I really want one now! I also want the Anubis, tigerlotus, and not so set on the wysteria but java fern. What's another thin tall plant for my tank?
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