Gestational Periods....

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 28, 2007
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I know really scientific right.

But I was curious what the gestational periods of Mollies and Platys are?

I know it will vary and can't be exact but about. And how long in between pregnancies will it take before they are at it again. Right now I think I have 3 Mollies that are pregnant, the Black and Creamsicle are showing and I think the Dalmatian is again but not showing. I have also had a female sword and 2 male Platys for more than a month now and she is still not pregnant. Trust me I am good with that but from what I've read that's suprising.

Maybe she is too young yet?

How young do they start mating?
"Rebreed" isn't even the whole story - they have specialized body tissues/organelles that store the male sperm after they breed. The stored sperm can trigger 5-6 additional broods in your female, even if she never sees another male.
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