getting 29 gallon tank stocking questions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 17, 2005
I plan on planting the tank and stocking it with:

8 Harlequin Rasbora

1 Betta

1 Honey Gourami

8 Corydoras Panda

3 Otto/Dwarf suckling catfish

8 Sparkling Gourami

2 Rams

6 Guppy (all male)

Is this way too much fish? I'm worried about the Honey Gouramis being aggresive.
There isn't enough space for that many fish- regardless of filtration

My boyfriend has three gouramis in his 29 and they take up a lot of space

Get One honey gourami and maybe 2 sparkling
maybe 6 panda cories
You can either do the rasboras OR the rams... but I not both (this goes back to space)

I would avoid the guppies all together
I would second the, NO guppies. I had a temporary situation after selling my 37 gallon tank with my gourami and guppies occupying the same tank.

The gourami kept on chasing them too death. I had to throw some java moss in so they could hide in there.
stocking suggestion sticky.. please answer questions... :mrgreen:
1. Tank size
2. Current filtration
3. Type of substrate
4. pH of your water
5. What type of fish you like the most.

KH of tap water would help as well
I agree with above suggestions. No guppies, not so many gouramis and pick between the rasboras and rams.
Panda cories stay pretty lets say 2in
thats 16in for the cories
8 rasboras.. I think those get to be about 2 in
Thats another 16

I would say pick between which school of fish you want-
You could do 6 pandas and 8 rasboras and a betta
or 8 cories, 6 rasboras and a betta
( i would do the 6 pandas and 8 rasboras)
lyquidphyre said:
I would say pick between which school of fish you want-
You could do 6 pandas and 8 rasboras and a betta
or 8 cories, 6 rasboras and a betta
( i would do the 6 pandas and 8 rasboras)

I agree, but maybe you could get away with 8 of each fish and 1 betta if you have it planted and keep up with water changes. Just make sure you cycle your tank. Here's an article on cycling your tank:
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