Getting a 40 Gallon

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 10, 2013
There is a really good deal on a brand new 40 gallon tank coming up this summer, and I'm most likely getting one. This will be the biggest tank I've had. I'm not sure how I'm going to be stocking it though. I'm interested in an electric blue jack Dempsey, but would that work with the guppies I already have? And what about corries? Should I get like 5 of those? I'm sort of done with the whole live bearers thing, so please don't suggest any more of those o.o What fish would be good for a 40 gallon fresh water? How many could I have of what sizes? And any tips for keeping a tank this size? Thanks! ?
A Jack Dempsey will not work with guppies or cories IMO. Once the Dempsey reaches a certain size it will most likely eat the guppies and maybe the cories. When the Dempsey is young he/she may nip at the others.

Guppies could work in a community tank in the 40 with the cories. You could have a large amount of possibilities then. You could maybe get a pair of German Blue Rams for that tank. Maybe some

dwarf gourami's,
tetra's (I've been waiting for a tank to open up for these),
bristlenose pleco,
rainbow shark,
cherry barbs,
otos (only when tank has been established - need algae)
1 betta (only with certain other fish)
different types of danio's,
rummy nose tetras,
lizard loaches,
bleeding heart tetra's (I've always kind of wanted these)

Of course, you cant buy all of these for the tank but its list you can research on and pick which ones you would like.....when I think of more I can add to this. But if you want a JD really bad, hell have to stay in that tank alone. a JD usually requires 50 gallons or so, but Ive known of some people to make it work in a 40 gallon. You'd just have to keep up on the water changes, but that's with any tank.
Thanks:) That's a very good place to start! I am going to get a betta after getting the tank, but he will be in a different tank. I guess I'll just keep the Jack Dempsey on my wish list for now. I'm going to go with corries for sure now. I'll do a little research on some of the names you have me for compatibility and requirements. Thank you so much!
I personally love big tanks with small fish. Any type of tetra would be fun, they come in all sorts of colors shapes and sizes.

A personal favorite of mine would be the Zebra Danio! They are cheap, cool looking, schooling, peaceful, hardy, easy to take care of and they are SUPER active. They never sit still! they certainly bring some life to any aquarium
Hm, every where I look the zebra danios come up. That very well may be added to my list:) thanks!
My tank has zebra danios, glowlight tetras, a dwarf gourami, and Cory cats, they are all active and fun to watch! Your existing fish would do well with these as well. Enjoy.
Okay, I've been doing some research. So far, my "wish list" is as follows:
-my current guppies
-5 or so corries
-zebra danios
-a rainbow shark
-and from suggestion, bleeding heart tetras. (Love them!)

What do you think about this group, and what else could I add or not? Thanks again for the help:)
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