Getting Desperate.... Please help!!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 2, 2005
I think my fish may have some kind of parasite, but I don't know how to kill them! A while back I noticed that the tank had Ich which I treated using the heat method. After that I treated with Jungle Parasite Clear, Jungle Parasite Clear, and the latest treatment was Jungle Parasite Guard, all at about 3/4 strength. I also used a mixture of Pimafix and Melafix along the way.

My fish are STILL scratching up against things and they're incredibly jumpy. I used to be able to walk by the tank with no big issues, but now the fish almost always go crazy when I walk by. Just a few minutes ago I threw in some shimp pellets and all was well until my Pleco came out. I'm assuming he freaked out one of my Gouramis who in turn started flipping out and scared the rest of the fish including the Pleco who raced back to his cave and slammed into it. One of my Gold Gouramis ended up flying into the corner, slammed up against the heater, and back into the glass. You could hear the water slapping around. It scared me, I can imagine how much it scared them!

I'm afraid of what's doing this to my fish and I just want it to end, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm frustrated and want them all to be healthy again, but I really have no clue what to do. There are no visible signs of a parasite and my parameters have been stable at Ammonia + Nitrites = 0ppm, Nitrates = 20ppm, Ph = 7.8.

Can someone please help?!
I have not had parasite trouble before myself, but I have heard Maracyn or Maracyn-II can be effective. I thought they were more for fungal infections, but maybe not.

Good luck. Sorry I couldn't help more.
It could be a water problem. Even though your readings are normal, there could be something else in the water. Try several 30-50% water changes with water from a different supply (Maybe a friend/relative in the next city over?).
I just got over parasite (so I hope). I treated with clout for 4 days and there are no signs of any parasites in the tank yet. Although my largest Gouramis hasn't ate a thing for 4 days now... Don't know why. Everyone els in my tank is doing good though.
Thanks for the input. I'm very nervous with treating my tank because I have several loaches and a large Pleco (my prized fish). I'd hate to lose anyone by treating with the wrong meds for the wrong thing. Nobody seems to be sick other than the scratching and jumpiness. Everyone has a very healthy appetite. I'll continue to monitor them for the time being.
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