Getting REALLY discouraged!!

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Jmedic25 said:
I bet that FX5 rocks that 75.....Like a hurricaine!!!!:band:

Oh yeah!! Funny thing is my giant danios are swimming right in the current doing flips. Then going down for a rest and going back up to play!! Funny to watch. I few Cichlid's are also sitting in the current for a little. Looks like they like it!!!!
Jmedic25 said:
The flow from thoes things is actually a bit much for a 75 like we have...Can you adjust it down?

Yup you can turn the outtake valve and adjust it with no damage to motor. Spoke with someone from the company.
Jmedic25 said:
Why couldnt we have invented something as cool as that????

I dunno but I'm gonna invent something!! Hmmmmm.....

Also they advised you can dial down the flow but don't go to half way. For whatever reason she said just turn the valve a little. It to reduce flow. She also said there on a lot of 75 gallons with no issues and really recommended not messing with the flow unless absolutely necessary.
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I would guess if you dont have sand its ok to crank the flow. I have s sump and it causes the sand to be really thin on the left side of the tank and thick on the right. An fx5 would be worse. Be careful though, my good friend lost like 400 dollars in Demosoni fry when a fx5 flipped his breeding net over and all the fish got eaten. YIKES! I really want one of thoes filters....Maybe when I get a 120!
Jmedic25 said:
I would guess if you dont have sand its ok to crank the flow. I have s sump and it causes the sand to be really thin on the left side of the tank and thick on the right. An fx5 would be worse. Be careful though, my good friend lost like 400 dollars in Demosoni fry when a fx5 flipped his breeding net over and all the fish got eaten. YIKES! I really want one of thoes filters....Maybe when I get a 120!

I'll keep an eye on it but it seems ok for now. When I do end with fry I'll set up something so that won't happen.
I'll keep an eye on it but it seems ok for now. When I do end with fry I'll set up something so that won't happen.

I set up a fry tank out of an acrylic cube I found at the firehouse. It was and old donation box we found when we were cleaning out closets. I drilled little holes in it and dropped in an airstone. I clamped it to the side with a plastic spring clamp. Its really easy and free. As long at you have the top of it an inch above the water line it dosent need a top. Best of all no need to worry about a second tank since it sits in your main. I drilled the holes an inch above the bottom on all four sides so if when I do a water change the fry have plenty of water to swim in until the main is refilled. Ill post a video for you when your ready.
Jmedic25 said:
I set up a fry tank out of an acrylic cube I found at the firehouse. It was and old donation box we found when we were cleaning out closets. I drilled little holes in it and dropped in an airstone. I clamped it to the side with a plastic spring clamp. Its really easy and free. As long at you have the top of it an inch above the water line it dosent need a top. Best of all no need to worry about a second tank since it sits in your main. I drilled the holes an inch above the bottom on all four sides so if when I do a water change the fry have plenty of water to swim in until the main is refilled. Ill post a video for you when your ready.

Ok thanks!! Sounds good.
Now I have a ton of fry and I cant sell them....My labs are breeding like crazy I think I will let the next batch spit in the main and let nature take it course...
Today my jd got cranky. He is showing off that he is the boss in the tank. Hunting every fish down he could find. So he start to fight my big Algee he lost and is back to his corner lol first time i saw this.
ronnieroach said:
the girlfriend is ordering my cichlid stones right now!!! 10pack & a 15pack.. very excited!!

now i need some more plants & driftwood.. it never ends lol

Nice man I'm pumped for you!! When I get a chance I'll post a pic of my DW in tank and I glued 5 Anubias to it! Looks sick!!!

Also my Africans love them. At night or when they wanna chill they hide out in them. And pick there little heads out like what's going on!! LOL!!!
thanks & def do!

i'm gonna stick w/ fake plants.. i dig the look of real so much more but right now its just too much of a hassle for the roachnes lol

i might even go w/ fake driftwood too so i dont mess with my ph .....
ronnieroach said:
thanks & def do!

i'm gonna stick w/ fake plants.. i dig the look of real so much more but right now its just too much of a hassle for the roachnes lol

i might even go w/ fake driftwood too so i dont mess with my ph .....

I found that DW really didn't mess with it too much. I'm back to 8.0
garfy said:
Is that a giraffe cichlid in your second to last picture?

Your guess is as good as mine. Remember I fell victim to the "mixed" tank at the LFS that I now know had south American and Africans all mixed!!
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