Ghost Shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 20, 2009
I recently posted a thread about me getting a 1.5 gallon tank. I was told to buy a betta and a couple of ghost shrimps to be cleaners. Would the betta eat the shrimp?Thanks for any help.
I think it really depends on the personality of the betta. I would go with a try and see approach, that is if you are comfortable with the betta possibly eating or killing the shrimp. I know my bettas are fine with snails, however some bettas do pick at and kill snails..
All right then.
Even if they do kill the shrimp they're about 26 cents.
One more thing do the ghost shrimp reproduce fast?
maybe. there are several species sold under the ghost shrimp name. some breed in fw others need bw to breed. depending on what your store stocks they may or may not breed if the betta doesnt kill them off.
if your tank has a top, you should be fine. i had a topless tank for a while, and i had a betta and some big ghost shrimp, the betta chased them out.
if your tank has a top, you should be fine. i had a topless tank for a while, and i had a betta and some big ghost shrimp, the betta chased them out.
My tank does have a top,so thats good.
Also, ghost shrimp are useless as algae eaters if that is what you are after. The WILL find uneaten food and eat dead fish and shrimp but that's about it. If you are looking for algae eating shrimp that won't be eaten you should consider sevearl Amano shrimp.
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