Ghost Shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 5, 2012
Just bought two ghost shrimp, and saw that one had eggs. I was going to put them in with my betta, but am deciding to keep them separate with some feeder fish in a tank. I have never had them before, I did research before buying, but I never read about breeding. Please give me son info on how to take care of the female and her fry when the eggs hatch.
The babies will emerge from the mother similar to how guppy fry emerge. The babies eat flakes. The other shrimp won't try to eat the newborns.
There hasn't been much in the way of specific breeding info for ghost shrimp. Keeping clean water, making sure there aren't any predators, putting prefilters on on intakes is about all you can do. Depending on the species of ghost shrimp, the young may or may not survive in FW. Newly hatched shrimp will eat algae or microfauna if there is any in the tank, and once they get larger, crushed flakes or algae wafers. I did (accidentally) breed ghost shrimp once, but didn't do anything special in terms of care.

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