GLA 6g Rimless 36-L - My First Iwagumi Inspired Scape Journal

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
yeah sometimes the fish you didnt intend to get becomes one of the favorites. like your video btw. is it wires that you used to hold your lights or fishing lines?
Thank you. I used a thick gauge wire to insert in the grooves under the fixture. And then i used fishing line to hang the light from a pair of shelf brackets. I explained it in more detail in the beginning of this thread (w/ pics) in case you want to see.
Hey guys I've hit my first road bump. I've been away from my house for a bit and my GF just sent me a picture showing me that my flame moss has a crazy amount of, what it appears to be, hair algae. Please let me know if that's what it looks like to you and what i should do to remedy it. That way, when i go back home, i have a plan of attack. Thanks!

I had hair algae too in my 38 gallon. What I did was use an algae brush to scrape it off the plants and everything (it was a really soft brush don't worry) and then used a brine shrimp net to catch all the free floating pieces. No more hair algae for me now!
You need to identify the nutrient imbalance that is causing it. What are you dosing?
It almost looks like a co2 issue, judging by the crinkled leaves in the ludwigia in that last picture.
I'll try to brush it off when i get home today Betta. Thanks for the suggestion :)

But yes, if there's a nutrient and/or co2 imbalance as you guys have pointed out, I'd like to adjust if need be. Currently, I'm using Excel and Flourish Comprehensive. I'm dosing a mL of Excel daily (sometimes skip a day, almost full cap after PWC), Flourish i dose Wednesday and Sunday. For Iron and Potash I have a bottle of API Leaf Zone that i also dose twice a week as well. My CO2 is running at 3 bps and before i decided to remove the drop checker, it was a medium-lime-green. My photo period is approx. 8~9 hrs.

I do have the GLA dry ferts that I've yet to use. I'm planning to use that once my liquids run out.
Week 3 Update (23 days since planted):

Wow!!! I was away for like 6 days and I came home to this today:

Things were getting a little hairy around here! LOL

Well it's been over 3 weeks since I planted. With the exception of some hair algae, everything is moving along pretty nice. The Ludwigia sp. Red has grown pretty long so I snipped the stems and replanted them to thicken the red bush. The pygmy chain swords were shooting runners trying to invade other areas, so I snipped them off and uprooted them. Too bad I'm losing all the tall blades on the PCS which are getting replaced with smaller compact growth.

To remove the hair algae I used a toothbrush method as recommended and gently brushed it off the plants. I twirled as much of it as I can to take it out in clumps. I then used some tweezers to pull away the algae that was hard to get to. Lastly, I spot treated with H2O2 and did a PWC, in which I gave my tank a nice healthy dose of Excel.

Here's my tank from day 1 to show a contrast of what 3 weeks of growth looks like:

And the tank as it is today with most of the algae removed :)

Here's a close up of the HC, carpeting in better than anticipated... Who needs DSM anyway??? haha:

And some more pics for the heck of it :)



Thanks for stopping in and reading!!! (y)
Hi...just wanted to say I've been following along and I really love what you've done with this tiny tank! Very inspiring...thank you!
Thanks Botanica! I'm glad you like it and you find it inspiring. I can't take all the credit. I must have combed through a ton of examples that inspired me to create this.
Absolutely beautiful! Your hair algae looks the same as mine. As soon as I manually removed it it never came back. Even the pieces i missed disappeared quickly. The tank looks absolutely beautiful. That's a lot of growth for three weeks! I wish mine would grow that quick but then again they are the slow-growing type. I should get you to come and do my new betta tanks.
Thanks Bettafanatic!

BTW, i have a story for you guys.. my GF and I decided to name our red female betta "Red Sonia" after that warrior character spin off of Conan. She's a mean gal, lemme tell ya! I ended up getting two Amano shrimp from the LFS the other day. I decided to take a chance and put them in the tank with her.. I turned around for a second to throw the transport baggy away and almost immediately she attacked one and ripped some legs off. I had to net her and remove her from the tank. Sadly, that Amano soon died and costed me 5 bucks.. :(

She's had her reign in the tank and she had been moved. I now have 1 Amano and 1 Oto helping with some algae... I'm going to order a heater and about 10 fire red cherry shrimp very soon.

Oh about the heater, i was thinking of getting the hydor theo but not sure whether to get the 25w or 50w? They're about the same price and size.. Any recommendations on that or even a better nano heater???
Too bad the betta was aggressive. I bet she felt the shrimp were invading her territory. It's always best to add the betta last. THe other way around is an even riskier gamble. Is she in your community tank now?

But at least now the tank can start serving its original purpose. The shrimp will love it!

For the heater just go with the 25W it'll heat the tank fine. Usually the box on the heater or the page where you order it from will have some guidelines for sizes to tank size, so just use that.
Are you running an external filter? I really like the smaller inline hydor heaters if you can utilize one. It would be a shame to clutter up this beautiful tank with an internal heater :).
@Betta - yup she's in the community for now until i can figure out what to do with her.

@fort - i considered an inline heater. However, since I'm on a budget (I'm in college), the price and the really high wattage of the inline heater was a deal breaker for me. I'm a bit frugal when it comes to value and efficiency. I'd hate to add more equipment inside the tank, but since the temp in AZ is starting to cool down, i have little choice. I think the hydor theo can be concealed if i lay it horizontally just above the substrate in the back where i have the pygmy chain sword growing.
Brian_Nano12g said:
@fort - i considered an inline heater. However, since I'm on a budget (I'm in college), the price and the really high wattage of the inline heater was a deal breaker for me. I'm a bit frugal when it comes to value and efficiency. I'd hate to add more equipment inside the tank, but since the temp in AZ is starting to cool down, i have little choice. I think the hydor theo can be concealed if i lay it horizontally just above the substrate in the back where i have the pygmy chain sword growing.

That's what I did to my heater and I can't even see it. It's hardly noticeable.
But just the psychological impact of knowing it is there.... :)

Sounds like a good plan.
I know what you're saying Fort. I'm definitely going to get all the fancy gear with no care of the power it consumes once I get finish with school and get a good job (but who knows in this economy)... LOL

I placed an order with Dr. Fosters, so I'll soon see if it's doable. Good to know it works for you Bettafanatic!

BTW, how's the 12L coming along Fort?
fort384 said:
It is doing great!

Perhaps an update with some pics are in store? I really love that tank and Current Truelumen Pro LED fixture combination.. I have a big ol' soft spot for LED's... I think they rock!
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