Goby / Blenny suggestions & question

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 20, 2008
Findlay, Ohio
Thanks as always for everyones helpful advice with my freak out moment.

Anyway I was wondering, as I QT all fish before coming into the system, would a goby or blenny do ok for the usual 3-4 weeks in a bare bottomed QT tank? I know most are sand sifters and I was a bit concerned, but of course wanted to QT it when I decide to add one ( probably not for another few weeks yet).

Anyway, I was looking to add one or two to my 55 gallon. Thinking of what my LFS has in stock recently.. the diamond watchman goby, yellow watchman goby several species of forktail blenny( not sure what species is at the lfs have to check) and they also had a dragon goby. Any of these good canidates? Also whats everyones favorite/easy to keep goby/blenny that'd be a good suggestion?

Since its sort of on topic as well, how are the firefish? Ok to keep single or need to be two or more? I would like one, but wanted to make sure. If they are better off 2+ I dont think they'd be best for my tank right now.

Also, they had several really small gobies ( eg: clown, high fin etc) that dont get more than 2 inches. I would love one buy am concerned about my sally lightfoot who's a good size. He hasnt bothered any other fish yet ( had him for about 5 months now) , but I suppose these always a chance.. any thoughts on that?

thanks as always :)
The dragon goby is supposed to be one of the best sand sifting gobys. I like the forktail blenny as well. You would have a bottom dweller (dragon) and a mid level (forktail) even though they pick at your LR. Watchout for the forktail as they have a venemous bite (purely defensive). My forktail pretty much hung out around mid tank, they have really cool eyes.
I would suggest from my experience the Pink spotted goby


And the black sailfin blenny


Both of these have great personality and do not fight with each other. I dont know if your LFS has them but they are great additions.
Mike, I meant the bullet goby....sorry about that.
There we go. It took me a minute to realize it wasn't in your 1st two pics! LOL!
sorry,dont mean to jump in your thread,but what other type of blenny would go with my tri colored blenny,in a 150 gal. louiseberry
No one really answered one of my questions ( thanks for the others! ) Sand sifters (eg gobies, blennies) generally do ok feeding wise in a bare bottom QT for the typical 3-4 weeks?
I think that they would be OK provided they are eating prepared foods
There's nothing that says you can't put sand in your quarantine. I'd probably be tempted to do it if I was bringing in a sand sifter. The only problem would be if you had to medicate - THEN you'd probably want to take the sand out.

Sand is normally not recommended because (1) it'll interfere with many medications and (2) it's easier to keep the tank pristine without the sand - you can vacuum the bottom daily if needed. But assuming it's just a quarantine without meds, I don't see why you couldn't add a little sand. I'd probably use new sand to avoid any cross contamination.

Whatever your decision, I wouldn't skip the normal quarantine period.
Hmmm, good points Kurt, but I would think you want to use a little sand from the tank, so it's full of food. If you plan on using meds I wouldn't add the sand. Just thinking out loud.
Oh yes and Louise, I`m thinking a 6 ft tank you probably could have two blennies just not the same species. If you do get 2 make sure you read up on them.
I loved my bi-color blenny. It was fascinating to watch as it hopped from rock to rock. It was always out in the open though sometimes it would be half in a rock crevice. Lots of personality (for a fish). I'm thinking of getting another one. I lost mine after 4+ years to MFD.
Looks like everything has been covered so far. I would guess whatever one creams your twinkie would be good. Melosu58 you should really consider breeding that goby of yours you market it like crazy :microwave: :eyes: :eating:
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