Aquarium Advice FINatic
So I've done some research since my thread asking about what i need, and I've learned a bit. Ive decided i want to keep a clownfish with maybe something else? I don't want to do corals (obviously, otherwise it wouldn't be FOWLR) because they are expensive, and they are more than I'm willing to deal with right now. At some point i might add some in later.
So i want to use a HOB rated for 55 gallons on my 29, and i will have a powerhead and heater. Test kit and the thing to test the salt levels of water will be something i will buy. Can i use the same test kit that i would for fresh water? I would like to skip a skimmer as it is a smaller, pretty lightly stocked tank so i don't think enough waste will be made to warrant buying one. I have light, its not very strong but it lights up the tank sufficiently i think? Do i need special lights?
So i would like to keep a clownfish, because that seems like a pretty undemanding fish and i also like them a lot. Could i do multiples? If they don't have anemones will they be in trouble? Will a lot of live rock to add some hiding space be sufficient? Im not sure about the dominance systems of saltwater as they are a bit more complicated i think, so i don't know if i need anemones for multiple clownfish or a single clownfish with tank mates. I would like tank mates, but could keep one alone if i have to.
What do you recommend for food? Im not sure what the dietary requirements of these fish are.
What about water changes? I just have to change a bit of water here and there and can top off evaporated water with regular saltwater, since the salt doesn't evaporate with the water. Right? Ive read those things anyways
do i need special water? Ive heard about RO and I'm not sure if i need that...
So yeah, some advice on above things as well as tank mates for a clownfish would be nice!
Also, I'm on a bit of a tight budget for a tank like this as i know saltwater can be a bit pricey.
Sent from my iPod touch using Aquarium Advice
So i want to use a HOB rated for 55 gallons on my 29, and i will have a powerhead and heater. Test kit and the thing to test the salt levels of water will be something i will buy. Can i use the same test kit that i would for fresh water? I would like to skip a skimmer as it is a smaller, pretty lightly stocked tank so i don't think enough waste will be made to warrant buying one. I have light, its not very strong but it lights up the tank sufficiently i think? Do i need special lights?
So i would like to keep a clownfish, because that seems like a pretty undemanding fish and i also like them a lot. Could i do multiples? If they don't have anemones will they be in trouble? Will a lot of live rock to add some hiding space be sufficient? Im not sure about the dominance systems of saltwater as they are a bit more complicated i think, so i don't know if i need anemones for multiple clownfish or a single clownfish with tank mates. I would like tank mates, but could keep one alone if i have to.
What do you recommend for food? Im not sure what the dietary requirements of these fish are.
What about water changes? I just have to change a bit of water here and there and can top off evaporated water with regular saltwater, since the salt doesn't evaporate with the water. Right? Ive read those things anyways
So yeah, some advice on above things as well as tank mates for a clownfish would be nice!
Also, I'm on a bit of a tight budget for a tank like this as i know saltwater can be a bit pricey.
Sent from my iPod touch using Aquarium Advice