Gold algae eater

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 3, 2012
Saint Louis, MO
I have a gold algae eater which is not more than an inch right now, but I have heard that once they get larger, that they get more aggressive and will eat small fish. Would my neon tetras, glow lights, and lamp eyes be okay? I mean even though he is small he takes the rainbow shark on when he messes with him! He has spunk. Just needed some input from any of you who have had or have a larger algae eater. :fish1:
It will definitely become more aggressive and actually almost completely stop eating algae. They will ram into fish or suck on them and ruin their slime coat which can kill them. Also called chinese algae eater, not to be mistaken with siamese algae eater
I've kept them, as said, chinese algae eater or indian algae eater are other names. As juveniles, they are fantastic cleaners, but I've noticed as they've grown, they start to have a taste for the slime coating of fish. I blame the CAE I have for an injury to a platy (scales were loose and slightly protruding, no signs of fungus or other parasites) that took 5 days of salt baths to heal, and now a female molly that I've had quarantined for about a week now. Donating the pair to my lfs tomorrow, hoping to trade for otos.

Addendum-get a bn pleco or otos...they seen highly recommended by the folks on this site!
Ya he is a gold chinese algae eater. So he will eat my neons? And possibly kill and eat my shark, rainbows, larger tetras, mollys, and porthole catfish???? OOOOOH JESUS!!!!!! 8o

He seems to get along with everyone, eats very well, plenty of caves and plants, and cleans better than a Hoover vacuum. He is the only one of his species in the tank though. And the only time I have seen him be aggressive was when the shark tried chasing him. :( I like him a lot would hate to have to find him a new home for the future. :eek:
Bn pleco? Otos pleco? I'm sorry I'm new to fresh wate fish slang, used to have salt water but just converted like a month ago.
Bn-bristlenose plecostomas, a type of algae eating fish. Otos-ottocinclus catfish, a small algae eating catfish that does great in groups of four
Bristle nose plecos and ottos are great! But the algae eater is good when young. Mine went from being a friendly cleaner to a fish attacking one within a week or two. Once they start maturing they WILL become aggressive. I made the same mistake before
Okie I will see how long before he becomes mean. Do bristle noses harm live plants? And would it take food from the Cory and portal whole catfish? Just don't want them to be too hungry but then again they are scavengers.
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