Gold nugget, did I make the right call?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 20, 2022
Hello, new guy here!

I recently started up my 30 gallon freshwater. Cycled with fritzyme for 2 weeks, then started with 3 rosy white cloud minnows. A week later the 3 rosy’s were spawning, checked my parameters and decided to grow my family I got 4 more white clouds, 3 Cory’s and a gold nugget pleco thinking it was just another pleco. My LFS said they top out at about 6 inches making him ok for the 30. (money isn’t an issue and they were beautiful) i went in looking for a fancy bristlenose, and thought these guys would be similar. But I got home and realized they are kind of notorious for being one of the most difficult plecos to keep due to temps and water quality.

As a rookie just starting out, I was worried I’d made the wrong choice and called the LFS, brought him back, we worked a deal to trade him for a fancy bristlenose, which is what I did research on and went looking for in the first place before I got impulsive.

Did I make the right call or blow the care for the gold nugget out of proportion?
You had made the right choice even tho they are know for being difficult to keep that is usually due to inbreeding to maintain colours which makes them pretty weak but the issues u would of had is the size that a normal pleco would grow to (which would be about (12-10 inches) rather than a bristle nose (6-4 inches)
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