Goldfish and Catfish?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 9, 2010
Can fancytails be mixed with any kind of catfish? I'm thinking of getting a cat to do a bit of bottom cleaning to the gravel, but will the spotted fast-swimming types (not Plecos) be okay with my fantails? What about water they need drastically different temps from one another?
Well you can't always throw any fish with any fish. Thats a no no. Excellent bottom feeders to go with those goldfish would possibly Cory Catfish. I have four in my tank. For example getting something like a Red Tailed Catfish would be a huge no no. He will outgrown your tank and eat all your fish. What did you have in mind?
Well you can't always throw any fish with any fish. Thats a no no. Excellent bottom feeders to go with those goldfish would possibly Cory Catfish. I have four in my tank. For example getting something like a Red Tailed Catfish would be a huge no no. He will outgrown your tank and eat all your fish. What did you have in mind?

Thanks for the reply.

I was thinking more along the lines of those catfish with the silver bodies and black spots, which swim rather fast and have the long whiskers...I can't even think of the species name off the top of my head, but I used to keep them with tropicals years ago...

I didn't realize certain catfish couldn't go with goldfish; I was unfamiliar with the Red Tailed variety, so thanks for the heads up with those, as I certainly wouldn't want something to grow so huge they would swallow a fancytail whole!
Yeah man Red Tails grow four feet. At one of my LFSs they keep like 30 in a twenty gallon tank. I thought they were the coolest thing until the lady was like yeah they grow four feet. I was +(

Back on subject, I know what your catfish your talking about. I used to have a few those 4 years ago in my 10 gallon. They will also outgrow your tank. Go with cory cats you won't regret it. They need to be in groups of at least four though, with four being the absolute minimum.
Yeah man Red Tails grow four feet.

Wow. :eek: Do you have any pics of these kinds of cats?

At one of my LFSs they keep like 30 in a twenty gallon tank. I thought they were the coolest thing until the lady was like yeah they grow four feet. I was +(

I keep on seeing this "LFS" reference on here, and I still don't know what that means -- can you let me in on it?

Back on subject, I know what your catfish your talking about. I used to have a few those 4 years ago in my 10 gallon. They will also outgrow your tank.

Really? Those get that big?

Go with cory cats you won't regret it. They need to be in groups of at least four though, with four being the absolute minimum.

Why is that?
Corys need to be in a heated tank for them to show their full personality
Also how bigs your tank? Look at the picture because goldies can get HUGE!
Corys need to be in a heated tank for them to show their full personality

Oh, well, that wouldn't be good because goldies prefer it colder...

That's why I'm asking this before I buy into cats!

Is there any catfish that could go with fancy goldies?

Also how bigs your tank? Look at the picture because goldies can get HUGE!

LOL -- I've seen this pic before; wasn't it determined that this was a hoax?

I have a 60 gallon, but my Orandas are a bit smaller than medium sized and are young yet. If they begin to get really large, I will look for an alternative such as ponding them or getting a much, much larger tank. ;)
Alright buddy its go time:

Wow. :eek: Do you have any pics of these kinds of cats?

I keep on seeing this "LFS" reference on here, and I still don't know what that means -- can you let me in on it?

Really? Those get that big?

Why is that?

1. Red Tails, all you want to know about them:
How to succeed with your new red-tail catfish, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus, with pictures

2. LFS=Local fish store. This can be a private shop or Petsmart/Petco.

3. Yes those kinds of catfish can grow at least 8 inches if I am not mistaken. max would be 12

4. COry cats are
b)excellent bottom feeders
c)stay small
d)don't need to feed them.(seriously I bought pellets for them, and they hated them)
e)very active

Only bad thing, they are a schooling fish so they tend to like groups.
OR OR OR OR you could put in a bristlenose!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg i feel so stupid for not thinkning about it! They only get to be about 5 inches and are able to go into cold water. Also with a 60 you could put 2-3 in =D
Pictus! Thats the bloody name. Thanks. Yeah Pictus like the heat range of goldfish so that would fly. I would still reccomend a heater just for seasons incase your house drops too much you can keep the temp at 78 or w/e
Alright buddy its go time:

1. Red Tails, all you want to know about them:
How to succeed with your new red-tail catfish, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus, with pictures

2. LFS=Local fish store. This can be a private shop or Petsmart/Petco.

3. Yes those kinds of catfish can grow at least 8 inches if I am not mistaken. max would be 12

4. COry cats are
b)excellent bottom feeders
c)stay small
d)don't need to feed them.(seriously I bought pellets for them, and they hated them)
e)very active

Only bad thing, they are a schooling fish so they tend to like groups.

Thanks so much!

I'm just looking for some cats that will clean the gravel and get rid of some of the goldies' debris for me; if I do go with Corys, I will make sure to get a few.

Thanks for all the info above, as well!
Alright guys, now I'm getting confused...

Which catfish can go with goldies? And YES -- that was the name of the silver and black spotted cats, PICTUS! These cannot go with goldies?
Alright buddy its go time:

1. Red Tails, all you want to know about them:
How to succeed with your new red-tail catfish, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus, with pictures

2. LFS=Local fish store. This can be a private shop or Petsmart/Petco.

3. Yes those kinds of catfish can grow at least 8 inches if I am not mistaken. max would be 12

4. COry cats are
b)excellent bottom feeders
c)stay small
d)don't need to feed them.(seriously I bought pellets for them, and they hated them)
e)very active

Only bad thing, they are a schooling fish so they tend to like groups.

Wow -- checked out that link, and you weren't kidding. The way those things devour goldfish, I wouldn't dare put them in my tank with my beloved fantails.

So, those cats are out...
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