Goldfish tank, sponge filter?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 19, 2004
Malta, Europe
I'm thinking of setting up a 25gal tank for an oranda. Is it ok to use a sponge filter, but doing daily 20% water change?
Or is it ok to have no filter and do 50% daily? (I don't like the look of filters in small tanks)

Given enough water changes, you won't need a filter. That's what they do in the OLD days before filters. <Goldies have been kept in China for a thousand years or more!> But daily water changes gets old really fast! Besides, you'll have to really monitor the tank to know how much & how often to do changes. That's the reason filters are invented!

Sponge filters are not really good for goldies, except frys. If you don't like to see the filter, why not use a canister filter - hide it in a cabinet & all you see are the intake & outlet hoses.
I have a cannister filter (58 gal), two Penguin HOBs (7 gal and 10 gal), and two sponge filters (15 gal). Of the three, I think the sponge filter is the least attractive and takes up the most tank space.
I agree with jsoong about the inadequacy of sponge filters with goldies. However, if you find the cannister filters a bit too expensive, look into the Emperor ar Aquaclear HOB models. BTW, you may be better off buying a filter rated for a bigger tank since goldies can be quite messy.
I have canister filters for my 75g discus tank and another for the guppy tank.
I'm used to doing daily water changes because of the discus fry that are currently occupying the 25, so that won't be a problem. they also have a sponge filter (ugly and bulky but best for discus fry). I think that since its possible, I'll go with no filter and daily WC. I REALLY don't like pipes and equipment in the tank. I even cover airline tubing with plastic plants or rocks. It kills me to have to see the discus fry in a bare bottom tank with the enormous sponge filter and no background. That was just a one time experience (I think). Now I want a nice fat simple but fancy goldfish :)

Hope I didn't bore you, :lol:
Nicky :wink:
I lied about that. I was just informed they clip to the top of your tank, just inside.. not the front.

But I agree.. sponge filters are too messy for goldfish er.. goldfish are too messy for sponge filters heh
If you want to do the daily water changes then they will do just fine. I agree, filters are unsightly on small tanks.
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