Goldfish with Really Ripped Fins?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 1, 2013
My ryukin goldfish has recently been bullied by my female betta, and he now has really ripped fins. I removed the betta, but his fins are so torn he can barely swim. I have different chemicals, like Melafix and Stress coat+. Should I treat him with one or both of those?
Can you please provide some more info so we can better help you? Tank size? Stocking? Water parameters & temp? A pic? Thanks!
Can you please provide some more info so we can better help you? Tank size? Stocking? Water parameters & temp? A pic? Thanks!

It is a 15 gallon, with 3 kuhli loaches, nitrates+ammonia 0ppm, temp 68 degrees.
A pic would help to see how bad the damage is. Adding some stress coat is fine. Do some extra water changes to keep the water pristine & nitrates as low as possible (under 10ppm, preferably under 5ppm). Unfortunately, there really is not much else you can do right now other than keeping the water healthy and observing the fish closely. I would suggest increasing the salinity to .05% but its not compatible with loaches so skip this. You will need an eye out for signs of infection and fungus (red blotches/streaking, white fuzz/film, white hairs/strings, degradation of tissue, etc). Keep us posted!
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