good plant selection?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 19, 2011
10 gallon, 20 watts, DIY Co2.
melon sword,
amazon sword,
dwarf hairgrass,
hybrid aponogeton.
any recomendations. will have root tabs and dosings of flourish.
just so you know those swords can get huge.. i have a 55gal and both of my red and greeen melon swords outgrew it. about 20" leaves before i sold my first one.. you can't go wrong with the java fern.
just so you know those swords can get huge.. i have a 55gal and both of my red and greeen melon swords outgrew it. about 20" leaves before i sold my first one.. you can't go wrong with the java fern.

I have had my Amazon Sword for 3 month and it hasn't outgrown my 10g yet:)
allaboutfish said:
10 gallon, 20 watts, DIY Co2.
melon sword,
amazon sword,
dwarf hairgrass,
hybrid aponogeton.
any recomendations. will have root tabs and dosings of flourish.

What are the dimensions of the 10g?

The swords will get too big for your 10g. 20+" in height.

Do you have small grain substrate? I read that hairgrass spread faster if you have small grain substrate. Hairgrass prefer high light.

Anacharis max height is 20". You can get away with having this plant but you'll be doing a lot of trimming.

I'd stick with small foreground plants like glosso, hairgrass(add more light?), micro sword. Rotala rotundifolia is a nice background plant.
It's not dirt and sand substrate? I would definitely use root tabs if you only have sand substrate. For the melon sword, since you already have it, I guess you can trim the old leaves. The ones on the sides and not the middle. IME though is the more I trim my swords the bigger the new leaves get. Right now the new leaves before the whole thing comes out and see the whole leaf is already 15". I don't know how you can trim that. You'll have to wait for the whole leaf to come out before you can trim it or you'll damage the leaf or the plant. If you decide to keep the sword, I bet you'll figure out your own way to trim it.
here is mine after about 10 months.. they tend to open up and get pretty wide as well.


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Fishman13 said:
Yes it would. And as far as cutting u can just cut the larger leaves off so the sword's will stay small :)

In my case, all the new leaves are broader and longer than the old ones.

As for the 29g. That should work for a while until the sword outgrows it. Slower than when its in the 10g.
With the root tabs and CO2 it will not take that long for your sword to get big.
what does it mean when dwarf hairgrass is letting go of part of itself? little parts of dwarf hairgrass are floating to the top so i get them and replant them.
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