good plant selection?

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What kind of substrate are you planting it in? If you have the right nutrients and lights, DHG will root pretty quickly and this shouldn't be a problem.
it's growing pretty well. it's starting to carpet too. it just seems like maybe the petsmart people put some roots higher or something.
but it's growing. some of it has smaller branches comming off starting to carpet, and it's only like 2 that are doing this.
If it's starting to carpet, it will eventually root very well. In my tank trying to remove it is like pulling out hair on your arm :)
i saw that your shrimp tank has dwarf hairgrass. how many wpg do you have on that? what are the other plants in there?
WPG is meaningless since it is only a 5 gal tank. I have 27W of CF lighting on it.

There is also rotala wallichii and blyxa japonica in the tank.
It depends... what is your budget? Are you planning on or willing to dose a few different types of ferts? Are you running a CO2 system?
ill have a DIY Co2 bc there is noway im spending a huge amount of money for Co2 in a 10 gallon, and ill be dosing flourish excel and have root tabs.
budget? How much are you wanting to spend on lighting? If you are growing plants already with what you have, are you sure you want to upgrade?
i was thinking if the dwarf hairgrass didnt do so well, and for future reference if i need the fixture the budget would be around 50.00
AquaticLife 2x18W T5 HO Linkable Light Fixture FW - 20"

This is a little out of your price range, but you can find similar fixtures for less if you look around, I am sure. A dual 20" T5HO would be a kick butt fixture on a 10 gal tank... it will require CO2 injection (DIY will work fine) and fertilization though... probably a little more maintenance and a careful watch compared to the 20w you are currently rocking.
aqua forest aquarium

I also think this fixture is very sharp... but also a few dollars more than your budget... but something similar would also work well. It is compact florescent rather than T5HO.
ok ill whatch my plants for now and if i think i need it ill start looking around. so 30 watts or more should be sufficiant?
well... I wouldn't go much more than 36. 36W of T5HO or CF on a 10gal will grow just about any plant you can find if the other nutrients and conditions are right.
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