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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 24, 2013
While My tank is cycling I'm planning the stock list, i wanna do rams but would also like other fish as well any experience in what works with them?
Get yourself a pleco or two for sure. One that doesn't get enormous. They are hands down my favourite fish in our tank. :)
See if you can get a starlight pleco. That's what I want, they are gorgeous!
Get yourself a pleco or two for sure. One that doesn't get enormous. They are hands down my favourite fish in our tank. :)

Absolutely! I started with one little common bristle nose,in a starter tank, and I was so besotted that now my tanks are taking over the house as I created bigger and better homes for them. They have so much personality- full of bluff and bluster even as little fry. I'm now 'the crazy fish lady'. All because of that first adorable little fellow.
Ok so a couple of bristle noises pleco, how about rummy noise tetras?
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